post TEN random facts about you which only a few people know.
then tag FIVE friends of your list to do the same.
1. I'm afraid of dying by a tractor trailer truck running my car off the road.
2. I generally dislike most of the people I go to school with
3. I can become dependent on things/people easily
4. even though i've changed, i still have more of my morals than people may think; i just choose to not talk about them.
5. I want love and a family of my own more than a career.
6. Nikai and I used to tell people that we came from Neptune. weird.
7. my friends just might classify me as a nymphomaniac
8. at one point in my life, i actually enjoyed country music *vomits in mouth*
9. my hair hasn't been it's natural color since 8th grade
10. I am a jealous person
You 5 friends have been tagged.
modeaholic feelingdrake predecessor kaleesucks brianalynn23