May 26, 2004 14:34
I'm tired i think its because i didnt sleep until nearly 3 am last nite i had this rather stupid idea at 11.30pm to clean and re arrange my bedroom i wish i hadnt now
:s i hate when im tired it messes me up i feel like im over emotional and over crouchy i snapped at stephen today and i didnt mean to hes alright when he aint being an idiot i seen loonie last night told her i wasnt gonna be on irc for a while not even sure if i wanna hang around msn much longer i duno whats wrong ever since i told lc i just feel like i wish i didnt even like him to begin with tony (online brother) told me there was summit about him but i duno i wanted prove him wrong he just gave me all the signals he liked me better than mates so when i told him i liked him more and he acted the way he did i see him in a totally different light but again my head got screwed and im left alone again it sux but i should be used to it by now i just wish guys had a lil bit more compassion for peoples feelings i said to mark the other nite that i hated men and he asked me not to say that and i said sorry but at the moment in time it was how i felt i realise now i musta hurt him saying that because he isnt like anyone i know at all he knows how i feel he also knows how i go head first into things and how i always end up hurt and how i never seem to learn from my mistakes evryone seems to tell me i wear my heart on my sleeve and i know i do it but i dont think i would or could ever do anything else but that im the weird girl u see on the bus in the morning smiling at the kid infront im the girl who would rather die than see another human being hurt inntenionally im also the girl who would easily give up her life so someone else wasnt hurting is that such a bad person to be ??
im not so sure anymore one thing i do know is i wish that once there was a guy who wanted a girl like me
chele xx