A Guide to Life: 50 Rules to live by so the people around you hate you less.

Jun 20, 2013 02:16

1. Don't bring a child to a restaurant, period. If you have the money to go out, you have the money for a babysitter. If money is tight and you have just enough to go out to dinner, down-grade the level of restaurant so that you can afford the babysitter so that you can go out and enjoy your night out, and so can everyone else around you. I hesitate to add this, but if you absolutely feel the need to bring your child with you, make sure they are quiet and well behaved. Bring lots of activities for them to do, because they will get bored with just one. If the child does get bored or upset or cranky, immediately take the child outside, don't sit through it and ignore it. If you are in a larger group, take turns taking the child outside so that everyone can still enjoy some adult time and eat.

2. Don't ignore someone's text and then proceed to post stuff on facebook. It makes you look like an asshole.

3. If you're going to lie, don't post on facebook during the time you were lying about or about anything pertaining to what you were or should have been doing. Better to stay away from social media completely until some time has passed.

4. Think before you speak. An old adage I know, but it's as true now as it ever was.

5. If you're going to lie, keep it simple and hole-free. Be prepared for the inevitable questions and have your friends ready for them too...because believe me if you aren't trustworthy, the lied to party is going to check around to make sure your story checks out, and it better. Always inform those involved in your lie of the lie before you tell it, and then fill them in on the details as soon as possible.

6. Dating needs to come back. Guys shouldn't expect to sleep with a girl after only seeing her 1-5 times. Quite frankly you have no idea who each other is yet and most likely haven't been alone because everyone hangs out in bars and in groups now a days. And girls, you shouldn't feel like if you don't sleep with a guy, he'll lose interest. If he does he wasn't trying to date you seriously to begin with, and guys if a girl sleeps with you on the first date, she probably isn't interested either, a sound piece of advice I've stolen from Chelsea Handler.

7. If a guy seems too good to be true, he probably is. On the flip side you can't make a bad boy into a good boy. No, stop, don't even try it, you'll only get hurt and addicted. Yup that's right I said addicted, the disappointment and heartache and want turns into need. A sick obsessive need to make this boy see that you really are the one for him, the one he should become a better person for. And let me tell you, it is extremely hard to tell the difference between obsession and love. Winning and being right and simply wanting to be with this person. It all becomes a muddled mess of high flying emotions and pain.

8. If someone says they will pay you back the next time they see you, kiss that money goodbye, you are never seeing it again.

9. It really is the little things that matter. Little things can make you smile, a small gift or gesture, a smile from a stranger on a horrible day, finding money in an old pair of jeans. Cherish them and don't take them for granted.

10. Always remember that even if something doesn't seem important to you, if it matters to someone else you have to respect it. The best way I can describe this is, if someone you care about is hurt by something, whether or not you think that something is absolutely stupid, you have to accept it and respect it, you don't have to understand it or agree, but to be a good friend lover brother sister or person in general you have to respect the feelings of those you love and try to be there for them, not say "well I don't agree, so I'm going to turn my back on you and do whatever I want despite how you feel because it doesn't effect me at all" because that right there makes you a scummy person, and no one wants to be that. When someone really hurt me once I was told by my best friend that she didn't think what that person did to me was all that bad, despite the fact that I personally felt unquestionably hurt and betrayed, and that they had never done anything to her, so she was still going to hang out with them and be their friend because she didn't want to lose a friend just because I wasn't getting along with them. This happened twice with us, with two different people at two totally different times and two totally different scenarios, all I'll say on that is that I am no longer friends with this person because loyalty matters. Resentment builds, and friendships that could have stood the test of time are lost.

11. Learn the English language before you try to hit on someone via the internet or texting. if u tlk 2 me lyk dis ill luff @ u nd neva look bk. Kay?

12. Where and were are two different words. Where are you? Were you with them? Get it?

13. Don't use the word "than" just to try to look smart. It doesn't mean the same thing is "then" and it makes you look like an idiot, the antithesis of what you were trying to do when using it in the first place when you use it in replacement of "then" ...here's an example. "I went to the park, then I went to the zoo, I liked the zoo better than the park."

14. If you are going to stop talking to someone, tell them, don't just stop answering them. Especially if said person has been in your life for more than a month. It's just mean and confusing for them. It causes more of an issue than if you just had the awkward conversation and gave them a reason, the endless wondering, what did I do? What could I have done differently? Is he/she even mad or just busy? Are they getting my messages? You can make a person go crazy like that and it is next to impossible to move on and let go if you are left wondering. Be an adult enough to give them a reason, whether they like it or not is a whole other issue, but give them closure, it's the least you could do when you're already about to leave a hole in their life.

15. If you cheat in a relationship and it is a one time thing, you completely regret it and are absolutely sure it will never ever happen again, don't tell your partner. Telling them will only hurt them and more than likely end your relationship. If your relationship does survive, it will be strained forever and the trust will never ever return. The only reason people tell is to ease their own conscience, you did what you feel guilty about, own it, accept it, and move on.

16. Don't use "I was drunk" as an excuse. I've been as drunk as they come in my day and I never accidentally fell on anyone's penis that I didn't want to. People say "I was drunk" as a tool for getting away with deplorable behavior and it has to stop. People aren't stupid, it is general knowledge that your inhibitions may be lowered and your memory the next day may be fuzzy but your mind is working just fine. If you're capable of making said mistake, your mind was right along with your body doing it, own it, and admit it. If you're going to commit certain actions be ready to accept acknowledgement of it, responsibility, and consequences because this time of "I was drunk" is over.

17. Always remember that you don't know what kind of day/year/life someone else has had. Your random outburst of cruelty, whether it be because you yourself have had a bad day, you're bored, it makes you feel better about yourself to put others down, or you just feel like being mean, could be someone else's last straw. To you a small insult, could be what is standing in between someone and a total breakdown or even ending their life. So think before you speak or commit a prank, you don't know who you are hurting, because believe me...it hurts.

18. Don't feel pressured to do what you think someone your age SHOULD be doing. Do what you want. It is your life, don't waste time conforming to an idea of who you should be or to what other people around you think you should be. Life is short, make yourself happy.

19. Don't post your life on facebook and then get mad when people know too much about your life, or want to know what's wrong, or "pry" you put your every move and feeling out on social media, you asked for it.

20. Don't get mad when someone posts on a facebook status. You posted it wanting attention, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. If you didn't want opinions and insights, don't post it on social media!

21. Stop calling day-to-day ups and downs and feelings/emotions and arguments "drama" or "high school" ...its called life people! In life people don't always agree and they fight. In life when someone gets hurt, if they don't want it to keep happening over and over again or get walked all over, they bring it up and talk about it. In a group of friends or a relationship, things aren't always smooth sailing, get over it and get used to it. If you don't want "drama" then live in a bubble because guess what, life has bumps and can be a roller coaster at times, otherwise we complain that it's boring and we want more. Can't have it both ways. I'd rather have real life than fake harmony any day.

22. Wear the pant size you are, not the pant size you want to be. Lie about the size to the people around you all you want, but wear what fits. Wearing smaller clothing only makes you look bigger.

23. Men stop telling girls that you like a girl who eats, and then look at us when we eat a cheeseburger like it's the first time you have ever seen food go into a mouth before. On the same train of thought, don't say it at all because a lot of girls are programmed not to eat a lot in front of a guy they are interested in and then will feel pressured to do it making her even more nervous and uncomfortable..better to leave food portions out of conversation completely.

24. Don't eat off someone else's plate unless you have been asked to or it is a pre-established order of conduct between specific people, it's weird and rude.

25. Don't push your partner to do things they are truly afraid/phobic of. Fear is not something that needs to be faced. Doing it won't suddenly make a person get over it in an instant or bring you two closer together. The only thing forcing someone to face their fear will do is terrify them and make them resent you. Now I'm not saying don't promote them to go after a dream or a goal because they're scared.. I'm saying don't lock them in a room with a bunch of spiders or a tank with a snake or make them jump out of a plane.

26. Don't try to keep up with someone else's drinking stamina. You know your limits, stop when you know you should or bad things are bound to happen. ie: Getting sick, looking a fool, making bad decisions, hurting yourself.

27. Smile at people. A single smile can brighten someone's entire day. You never know when someone might just need a shot of kindness.

28. Don't have children just because you think you are supposed to, are of a certain age, or your friends are doing it. Make sure you absolutely want a child and are capable of raising a child financially, physically, and emotionally.

29. I was recently told that I had too high expectations for a friend. That they were tired of trying to live up to the standards I set for myself and for them. Quite frankly I laughed. People are capable of so much. They know it, I know it, we all know it. What it comes down to is laziness. Don't blame others for having too high expectations of you, blame yourself for not wanting to live up to your full potential, because quite frankly others tend to see the greatness in us that we are afraid of. If you don't want to be everything someone knows you can be, that's fine, but don't blame them for seeing in you something you are in fact capable of, take it as a compliment that they think so highly of you, not as a struggle to attain and then maintain a certain level of perfection.

30. Don't say you're going to do something if you have no intention of doing it. Chances are whoever you are lying to can not only handle the truth, but would appreciate it.

31. Kirstin Dunst once said; "Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages. I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you." I think that is a tip in and of itself and I'm not going to change or add a thing. Well said Ms. Dunst, well said.

32. People really need to stop pushing religion onto other people. Believe in whatever you want to believe in, as long as you don't try to force me into agreeing with you, I couldn't care less. Far too many people have been killed over this issue. Does it really matter who is right and who is wrong? We will NEVER find out! And if by some slim chance we ever do, then the people who were wrong, will find out, so they don't need to be told obsessively and repetitively now. Readers if you are wondering, I am an atheist who doesn't want children, so as you can probably already assume I've heard the shocked intakes of breath and quick hand movements to the mouth and heart time and time again. Which leads me to my next tip...

33. Quit telling young people (and by young I mean any person between the ages of 18-30) that even though they have made up their minds and have decided that they don't ever want to have children that they will change their minds. I have personally known since I was about 15 that I didn't want children for various reasons. I don't need you to list the many reasons why it is joyous and a blessing and why I am ignorant now and will change. I don't want kids, I know I don't. If I ever change my mind, it will be completely random and probably a bad idea. People are allowed to have their own opinions and it is endlessly annoying to hear that you are wrong about your own mind/feelings. I'll end this tip with one of my favorite Chelsea Handler quotes, a fellow non-child-wanting-woman: "I would rather sit next to a murderer than listen to people tell me why I want to have children and that I just don't know it yet. I do know, because I'm me and my feelings are the ones in my head. I don't want to have kids, and it's not a device to get attention or have conversations about it. I simply find children incredibly immature and, more often than not, dumb."

34. Don't drive slow in the left lane. It is just rude. The understood rules of the road are as follows: Right lane is slowest, middle is medium, left is fast. Simple.

35. Don't cut me off while driving and then drive slower than I was driving. If you are going to drive slower then go behind me or don't leave your house in the first place and save me the trouble of flipping you off in my mind!

36. Say please and thank you. It isn't a hard one and is fairly traditional, but you'd be surprised how many people don't for example thank a waitress when they bring a meal to the table at a restaurant. Common curtsey doesn't take much but it goes a long way.

37. Stop looking down on people who read. They aren't geeks or losers. They are simply people who enjoy a book. I personally love to escape into a book, another world with different people than the ones in my real life, it is a release and a relaxation, a comfort even. I am a self proclaimed "party girl that reads" but I'm not even proud of that anymore. I shouldn't have to make that distinction, throwing party girl next to the word reads like I'm making up for it in some way, or that it makes it okay that I read a lot because I have a social life. Reading isn't lame, it keeps your mind alive and is entertaining. I read because I like to read, no if's and's or but's about it. It is high time us readers came forward and were fully proud of it and for other people to drop this charade of equating reading with being uncool, because that couldn't be farther from the truth. Do you know how many of my favorite books got turned into tv shows and movies (either directly or via adapted screenplay) the masses of these so-called "too cool to be reading" people love? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

38. Wash your hands after you use the bathroom. You're probably thinking why is she writing this, this is common sense and a little bit gross, but "bathroom mints" didn't get their name for no reason. It is a fairly common occurrence and more than a lot gross.

39. Don't get angry or upset when someone hasn't seen a tv show or movie you love. Every single one of us has a tv show or movie that we deem the best thing since sliced bread and everyone and their mother would absolutely love it, but ridiculing someone for not having seen it is not the solution. First off, it is only your opinion that it's great, not everything is for everyone, people have different tastes. Secondly, if the tv show or movie is in fact of a genre that would interest you, it creates an impossible level of awesomeness in their mind that this movie or show will undoubtedly have a very hard time living up to. I remember being told "Mean Girls" was ahhh-mayyy-zingggg and I would love it so much and it was the best movie ever (stay with me, this was middle school) that by the time I got around to seeing it, it was only "eh" ..worst part is I could tell that if my expectations hadn't been so high I wouldn't have been let down, because quite frankly it delivers on everything it promises to deliver.

40. Don't say "No offense but..." and then expect the person not to be offended. Just because you place the predecessor "no offense but" in front of an incredibly offensive statement doesn't make the statement itself not offensive. That's like saying "oh sorry I know the dog bites but it's only because he's excited he doesn't mean it" well it still hurts like hell doesn't it?!

41. Attention all couples: Public displays of affection or PDA needs to stop! ...when with an odd number of people that is (third wheel, fifth wheel, seventh wheel etc). The lone wheel often feels uncomfortable and left out. While you're with your sweetie's this person doesn't quite know what they should be doing or why they're even there. If you care about said wheel it is important not to forget about them, and maintain a level of cohesiveness within the group not just within the couple. Be selfish when you're alone with your partner, not when you're in a group.

42. All official documents should be typed or written in legible print, never script/cursive. Future generations have to read it, not guess it.

43. Don't message someone first and then not answer once they reply. It makes NO sense.

44. Don't text someone and then not pick up when they call you, you are obviously by your phone!

45. If you are thinking something nice about someone, even if it is as simple as "that color looks nice on you," tell them, it could make a person's whole day.

46. Don't put someone down just to make yourself feel better or "look cool" in front of your friends or to fit in. You never know how close to the edge a person is. You don't want to be the last straw before a person breaks.

47. Try to remember people's birthdays. Even if it just a simple "Happy Birthday" or a cupcake, or something else small. It makes a difference. Having everyone forget your birthday is the worst feeling in the world.

48. Don't waste your time on things you don't like or care about. Life is far too short to, for example, spend it with people you dislike, or to read books you aren't interested in. Skip ahead to the things you enjoy, it may sound selfish but life isn't endless and you have to make it count.

49. Men, don't blame a girls attitude on her period. Check yourself, you're probably being a dick. Besides I'd like to see you act nice and have patients while you have mind numbing cramps and more than likely a headache/backache/younamethebodypartache.

50. Realize that if a person is jealous it's because they care, not because they're crazy. Try to be understanding instead of getting mad. Take it as flattering not annoying.

book, life, ideas, rules

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