Three Fic Submissions from OTP Week

Jan 08, 2014 11:39

Title: The One Where the Away Team is Kittens
Author: spacebromance
Rating: FRT, for language.
Pairings: Unresolved Chekov/Sulu
Warning: Decline to list warnings.
Type: Short. Complete.
Summary: The Away Team is turned into kittens! And Chekov is having difficulty maintaining appropriate boundaries.

( The clothes are gathered in piles.)

Title: Your Broken Cartography
Author: spacebromance
Rating: FRT, for language and violence.
Pairings: Chekov/Sulu
Warning: Decline to list warnings.
Type: Short. Complete.
Summary: Pavel is injured on an away mission, and Hikaru is sent to pilot the shuttle to rescue him.

( The communicators still work.)

Title: These Reflections (Of All the Ways We Fit)
Author: spacebromance
Rating: FRT, for language.
Pairings: Chekov/Sulu
Warning: Decline to list warnings.
Type: Short. Complete.
Summary: Pavel attends a promotion ceremony for Hikaru. And he spends the whole time being ridiculously in love.

( There are five other officers also celebrating their promotions, but to Pavel it feels like the entire evening is dedicated to Hikaru.)

fanfiction, star trek: xi, rating: pg-13

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