FIC: Two Thousand Miles (I'll Be Home For Christmas) (Sulu/Chekov, PG-13)

Dec 21, 2013 11:18

Title: Two Thousand Miles (I'll Be home For Christmas)
Author: katmarajade
Pairing: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6589
Summary: Airline pilot Hikaru Sulu winds up stranded in Iowa on Christmas Eve. Determined to get back to Pavel, his journey home is a long, crazy one filled with interesting characters, run ins with old friends, and many surprises. No matter what, Hikaru is going to make it home for Christmas this year.
Notes: I started this last year as one of my holiday drabbly bits for a friend who asked me to write the story that I really wanted to write. A year later, I finally finished that fic. Modern Airline AU featuring Chekov/Sulu and a big, crazy cast; a realistic portrayal of airline crews and planes; and a long, convoluted quest to get home for Christmas. I'm delighted with it. starsandgraces, this one's for you.
Continued Notes: As a commercial flight attendant, I know the business and have written what I know. Thanks to my husband, who is a commercial pilot, for his expertise and willingness to answer my millions of questions about tiny details like runway lengths, fuel weights, and flaps fail landing procedures. And for getting out his old Aviation textbooks when I needed more information about flaps and high fiving me when I managed (after MUCH effort) to explain them in under 40 words in a way that should make sense to a novice. (He couldn't!) I have spent a ton of time making this trek as feasible as possible. There are just a couple things I fudged to make it work. All remaining errors are mine alone.

Hikaru greased the plane onto the runway, deployed the thrust reversers, and applied firm, steady pressure to the brakes. Ever cool under pressure, Hikaru's landing was a thing of beauty even with the flashing red lights and incessant chiming of the warning messages from the aircraft computer.

fanfiction, star trek: xi, rating: pg-13

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