Title: Kitchen Consequential (3/18)
withthepilotRating: PG-13
Word count: 2,035
Pairings/Characters: Chekov/Sulu
Disclaimer: Do not own or claim to own.
Warnings: AU set in New York City, 2009, with flashbacks to five years prior. Many references to the ST: XI canon.
Summary: All paths lead to the kitchen for the staff members of Enterprise, the newest critical darling on the New York restaurant scene. It's here that they come together as a team and find out just where they belong. Chapter 3: Pavel returns to his Queens neighborhood for a celebratory evening before his first day and ends up crossing paths with a handsome stranger.
For a comprehensive list of series pairings, links to prior chapters and author notes, please visit the
master post.
Pavel takes the train back into Queens, absolutely thrumming with excitement. )