Dec 28, 2015 07:58
Two years ago was just about the nadir of our time in St. Joe; we had a horrible time that nasty winter. Last year I had to send Kevin back to Missouri and return to my rented room in Tamara's house. This year represents a significant upward trend.
Christmas Eve with Natalie and Jeremy and the boys was low-key and successful. Travel to Rainier on Christmas morning was easy. The day had relatively little drama, good food, another success. The drive to Portland was smooth. Christmas night was like a free space in bingo: no Xmas lights, music, or anything. Jenice and Lucy were happy to see us, and we them. Jenice broke out a bottle of Perrier Jouet for Kevin's birthday toast. The egg nog was a hit. The microscopes and mineral samples were a hit chez Niccum, where they were the one gift opened on the Eve, but largely overlooked in the pile of present carnage at the in-laws' place on the Day. The mineral presents were surprisingly well-received; the family shares an affinity for rocks. Communication can still be a bit strained and fraught with drama, but one of the benefits of old age is giving less of a shit.
The last hurdle was Boxing Day, Kevin's birthday (which he despises). Go me! Stopping in Portland was the right thing to do. We got to see a woman and a cat we love, catch up with them, have dim sum for brunch, see our old neighborhoods and agree we are glad to not live there anymore, look through the "largest Asian mall in Portland" at Fubonn, yet avoid the day-after shopping madness, check out the consignment store where we got the Qashqai rug (they had no rugs, but we spent no money), and take a leisurely, scenic drive home down 99W rather than I-5.
We were thrilled to get home, see our own kitty and hens, and sleep in our own bed. Success!
The solstice was only 6 days ago, but things look brighter already. Now to stay upbeat through taking it all down and going back to work.