Jul 06, 2006 23:55
Is it just me or are all bosses idiots? (Sorry to anyone of my friends who are the boss... I am also a boss, so maybe that makes me an idiot too...)
I just don't seem to have any luck with them... I've run out of nicknames for them... (must have been on my friends list a few years back to understand that one...)
I ripped some cartelege in my knee a few weeks back and have been off work since due to not being able to be on my feet for extended periods of time. If I had a desk job, this would not be a problem, but, unfortunately, I do not have a desk job. The first thing this yahoo did was tell me I should call this long list of people to see if one of them would fill in for me... I was, at the time, on my way to the ER... I called the manager I had working at the time and told her to call those people and that I did not really have time nor was it really on my short list of important things to do at the moment... When I got out of the ER many hours later, in an immobilizing leg brace and crutches, I called work only to hear the endless ringing... No one was there... My boss had decided that I was supposed to have found a replacement prior to going to the ER and that he did not have time for it. So instead of doing his job, he closed the place instead...
I was so pissed off that instead of calling him to tell him that I was not going to be able to work for the foreseeable future, I called his boss instead and proceeded to tell him that I would not be put second to the business and that I was not going to be calling my boss at that point because to do so would have been ugly and I was not going to sink that low.. He said he would take care of the store and I should take care of my leg... He was also quite pissed to find out the the store had been closed for the night...
The next day, the yahoo called me complaining that he had no idea that I was that bad and that he was not aware that I was not going to be working that day and he was not happy that I didn't call him to tell him that... I then proceeded to tell him that I had called his boss and was told not to worry about it and that he would take care of it... After a moment of silence, in which I am sure his life flashed before his eyes, he asked me why I called his boss... I told him that I didn't appreciate his putting my health secondary to the business and that I did not trust him to do his job since he found it to be beneath him to actually help me when I needed it, instead, closing down the store so he wouldn't have to deal with it himself. He then told me that I could trust him with anything... Mind you, I was on a rather nice pain killer at that time and I don't tend to think so well when on those so the next string of sentences were not very nice when I proceeded to list the things he had said he would do that he never did, all the help he promises that he never gives and all the BS he spews just so he can feel important. Not to mention the playing on the internet instead of doing any work when he graces my store with his presence...
That was met with silence as well... He then proceeded to ask that I keep him in the loop as to my condition and that was that...
Well, now I find that he is on vacation... since last week... shouldn't he practice what he preaches and tell me that someone else would be taking care of things? Of course not... Jackass...
I would like a desk job...
I've got at least one more week being off... He does not know this because he is gone... He will not be happy when he gets back... The target return date was to be the 10th, but that is not going to happen as my kneecap is still not tracking properly and there is still substantial pain when I bend it, especially bearing weight on it... To work 10 hours a day on it is not going to happen yet... Walking is better, but not for extended periods of time... I can get from point a to point b just fine, but if you add more points to the line, it starts getting wobbly...
I must do background checks on all future bosses...
On another note... The new kitty has begun to venture out from under the bed... He seems to not be afraid of me. He has come up to me several times when I have been sitting at the kitchen table... He likes to jump up on his back legs and get petted on the head... He is afraid of Niko... I do not know why... Niko has been very nice to him... Tries to touch noses, but the new kitty doesn't seem to like that... He is eating and drinking and using the litter box, so that is good... Baby steps... The two cats will get along fine...
That's it...
Stay Safe,