Christmas present enjoyed.

Jan 07, 2009 20:01

So I go Hornblower - The Complete Collection for Christmas and have been watching them over the past week. Much like the Sharpe's stories the Hornblower series follows the adventures of a young man during the Napoleonic wars. While Sharpe is fighting in Spain for most of his stories, Hornblower is at sea as you would expect a navel officer to be.

We follow him from his very beginnings as a midshipman to his final promotion to Captain. It is an enjoyable series that I will watch over again and I hope that there will be more of them. The author of the series C. S. Forester has written 11 stories only the first three of them have been turned into tv movies, if I understand the information on wikipedia. So there is plenty of material to draw from for more movies.

My plan I think at this point is to go over to my local library and see if the have the books and read them all as I rather like the stories. If the library somehow fails me perhaps amazon will save me.
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