Dec 14, 2006 04:55
Loved last night's episode. Watching planning, prep, etc., for a catering event was interesting and having worked under stressful conditions where things had to go out NOW I really empathized. I thought that being in trial was stressful. There the pace is regulated and it's about preparing the night before and being able to think on your feet. There's always another question that you can ask. There's also the possibility of asking for a short recess.
However, in the kitchen there's no wiggle room at all. There's a lot to be said for good prep, but when things start rolling you just can't make the oven go any faster. Things take a certain period of time to bake off or cook and there's just no changing the laws of physics. While I was sorry to see Mia go, it was clear that she was sick and tired of being ignored. She did a very admirable thing by volunteering to be the one to go home. I don't see that as quitter behavior at all. Thing is, we really don't know who the judges were going to send home. Unless it got blogged about, which I doubt, there we are. At the beginning of the show she did admit that she was incredibly home sick and that by now they'd been in competition for several weeks. Maybe she felt that Elia deserved to be there more than she did. Hmm. What does seem incredibly unfair is that she did suggest a number of things that got shot down. I'm surprised that for a party of 200, that they only chose 4 items. My recollection is that none of them were dessert type items. Again, Marcel proved himself an ass.
I really drooled over the Global Village knifes. I have on of their Chef knifes and it's as sharp as sharp can be. The only other knives that I've drooled over lately are the Shuns. Beauuutiful.
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