Nov 25, 2008 11:43
after immensely stressing out over schedules and my advisor, i have my classes registered for next semester. not my first choice, some not even my second choice, but here it is:
COMM 131- Fundamental Speech Communications; MWF 1-1:50
ENGL 312- Writing Fiction; F 2-4:45
POSC 101- Intro to Political Science; TuTh 3:30-4:45
POSC 103- American National Govenment; MW 3:30-4:45
SOCI 101- Intro to Sociology; TuTh 9:30-10:45
its nice to have no 8ams :) i realize peoples' woes about 8ams now that i've had them lol.
i'm glad that i have these earliest class is at 9:30, and the only reason i chose that section is because Racheal and I chose it together a few weeks ago. also, i feel like a lot of people are gung ho about having no friday classes. however, i like the way i set up my schedule. every day i only have 2 classes [unlike this semester, where i dread Wednesdays because i have 4 classes on that day including an extra long math class]
i also like that on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, i don't actually have to get up until about 12:30 or so.
another good thing about my schedule is the time that my classes end. they start late, and yet they all end before 5 [which is when my earliest club meets].
the majority of these classes are prereqs for other, bigger, more interesting things that i'm planning on taking. COMM 131 is the last class that i have to take before applying for the Mass Communications major. i can apply after the spring semester [you must have 3 specific classes with a B or better, and 30 credits]. i've also picked up a polisci minor, and these two classes seem to be prereqs for a lot of the polisci classes. In mass comm, i expect to get my sports communications certificate, and to take ANY of those classes, you at least need intro to sociology. Writing fiction is just in there because it is a GenEd. i originally wanted to take Bio 115, but all the classes were full, so i just took a random class from a random GenEd that needs to be filled.
and that is the boring post about how my classes came to be.