i'm bored too...sorry

Jul 27, 2004 22:00

|About You|
-name | Brittney
-screen name | D1amond001
-birthday | April 27, 1987
-born in | uh...long beach i think
-age | 17
-nationality | omg i'm a mut...but i guess the basic ones are polish german and mexican
-astrological sign | Taurus and damn proud of my stubborn controlling-ness
-location | Villa Park
-eye color | technically the color of poop...but thanks to my trusty contacts they're deep blue
-height | 5'6
-love is | what i yearn for with all of my being...but will never have because my heart is made of stone
-if I could see one person right now it would be | amber definitely...or jason...but amber first
-I'm afraid of | being hurt...again.

|Have you ever|
-pictured your crush naked? | i've seen my crush naked many a time...but he's probably changed since like 2 years ago hahaha
-actually seen your crush naked? | just answered that but yes...yes yes yes
-been in love? | ...as much as my pride doesn't want to admit this...yes i have...
-said I love you and meant it? | Yes...i have.
-cried when someone died? | oh god yes!
-lied? | yup
-smoked? | i need to stop.
-drank? | oh god...take a wild bloody guess! DUH!
-cheated on someone? | No
-fallen for your best friend? | it was a guy so yes haha
-made out with just a friend? | quite a few times...
-rejected someone? | i don't know...maybe...im just used to being the one rejected hahaha
-used someone? | yes i have and i am not proud of it.
-been used? | for the past 4 years i've been an easy piece of ass.
-been cheated on? | long story.
-been kissed? | i could write a bloody book
-done something you regret? | story of my life

-food? | sushi...and mac and cheese...and coldstone!
-fruits? | grapes and peaches and cantelope
-colors? | Those of the neon variety ie. green, orange, blue -- i agree with denise
-numbers? | 27, 17
-animal? | tiger, bull, horse, dog, cat, bunny
-soda? | sprite

|Do You|
-habla espanol? | non...je parle francais
-color your hair? | every 6 weeks since like 6th grade
-write in cursive or print? | print
-sleep with stuffed animals? | my love pillow from zurich
-like cleaning? | have you ever seen my room? if yes then you know my answer is HELL NO!
-have any piercing? | ya
-if yes, how many? | 2, one in each ear.
-drink/smoke? | yes and yes
-swear a lot? | unfortunately yes
-like watching sunrises or sunset? | it i'm with the right person/people
-believe in God? | i'm going through a lot of confusion about that right now
-pray? | i don't know
-go to church? | yes
-believe in witches? | absolutely
-have secrets? | many
-have a best friend? | BRITTNEY LOVES AMBER!
-like your own handwriting? | sometimes

|Are you|
-obsessive? | yes
-able to live without the computer? | possibly
-bored? | incredibly
-happy? | i don't know if it's the medication or if it's pure.
-missing someone? | mmhmm
-confused? | always
-tired? | my eyes are but my body's not
-mad? | i'm always mad...but i don't know what it's at haha
-sleepy? | not really

|Do You Ever|
-stay on waiting for someone special to IM you? | i used to
-save aol/aim conversations? | i used to
-wish you were a member of the opposite sex? | when my uterus decides to become SATAN!

|Who was the last person who|
-you talked to on the phone? | mother
-you instant messaged? | RC
-instant messaged you? | RC
-sent you an e-mail? | livejournal telling me kathee replied to my comment :) haha
-you laughed with? | jason
-slept in your bed? | me
-you shared a drink with? | i don't remember...i don't think anyone...maybe kelley?
-you went to the movies with? | Dave, RC, Denise, Fish, Jenni, Meghan, Kelley
-yelled at you? | mother
-you called? | jason
-you kicked? | i don't kick
-you saw? | mother

|What is|
-your most over used phrase on aim? | sweet
-the first thing you thought of when you woke up | i really don't want to shower
-the best name for a butler? | smithers
-the wussiest sport? | croquet
-your bedtime? | psh who knows
-your greatest accomplishment? | surviving the past 4 months

|In the future|
-what is the age you hope to get married? | 26
-number and names of kids? | well i'm never having children but if i happen to get myself knocked up i hope to have twins (one boy and one girl) and names i like are lavitica and aphrodite for a girl and d'mitri and vlad for a boy.
-where do you see yourself at age 20? | hopefully college...maybe sharing an apartment with the fabulous kathee
-what are you career plans? | don't know anymore...maybe actress on stage somewhere...maybe interior decorator...maybe owning my own antique, record, or vintage clothing store...maybe an fbi agent...maybe just a normal cop trying to boost my way up to homicide detective...maybe a make-up artist
-someplace you like to visit? | germany

|What are your opinions of the opposite sex|
-best eye color? | blue
-best hair color? | blond :) i always end up with the blonds
-short or long hair? | either, but idealy kinda shaggy
-best height? | Anyone taller than me
-best weight? | don't care
-best first kiss location? | Experience: rocks surrounded my the ocean, like a cave Opinion: under a weeping willow tree in the middle of an oldfashioned run down graveyard, lying in the grass, looking up at the stars...
-what do you notice first? | his smile

|Last time|
-you went out of state? | chicago...layover on our way to the canary islands
-you were outside? | when i got back from therapy
-you were listening to music? | my car blasting 80's music :)
-you were on the internet? | um...now?
-you ate? | ugh like 20 minutes ago and i feel like i'm gonna be sick!
-you drank? | right now...diet coke
-you jumped in front of a moving car? | i don't think i've ever done that...several of my friends in the hospital did though...
-you watched TV? | right this second...OLD SCHOOOOOOL! it's blue's funeral :(
-you cried? | about 3 or 4 days ago...talking to kelley after napoleon dynamite

-how many pplz are on your buddylist? | 92
-what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? | emotional...but if you do try to take it away with meds...it's confusing cuz you don't really know what your true feelings are about things anymore...you're almost numb...
-what do you wear to bed? | bra and panties
-when was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? | can't remember...i consider my zurich love pillow a stuffed animal though so like last night
-have you ever played ouija board? | Yes i love that kinda stuff...BLOODY MARY MAN!
-how many rings before you pick up the phone? | depends how far away i am from the phone and how lazy i'm feeling at the time
-how many schools have you gone to? | 2 or 3
-say one last thing | why is it that the one person i've ever truly loved is the one person i've ever truly hated
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