as you can probably tell from the following, i am bored:
Personal InformationFirst Name//:Laurel Age//:15 Gender//:female Nickname(s)//: Hair Color//:blonde Hair Style//:medium, straight Eye Color//:brown What is your favoriteColor//:orange, pink, blue is ok Game//:egyptian war/ratscrew...especially with brynn! Song//:? i have a lot Music Video//:none Animal//:poison dart frogs of the rainforest Sport//:soccer & lacrosse Country//:go team USA Movie//:i have a lot, including mulan and hercules Food//:mexican wedding cookies FriendsBest//:i love you all Funniest//:wittiest- zoe, goofiest-kayla Coolest//:you are all boppin' Sweetest//:? you're all sweet (as am i- i don't want to play favorites!) Kindest//:kristin Annoyingest//:thats a word kayla would say Dullest//:joanna...nothing exciting ever happens around you (dead bug, and den?, pastor jo!) Stupidest//:?? Most Intelligent//:?? Athletic//:?? RelationshipsBoy(Girl)friend//:nope Are you in love right now//:nope Do you have a crush//:nope Do you have a stalker//:yes, quite a few (are you my secret stalker?) Do you miss someone right now//:my cousin virginia..i haven't seen her in a year What do you doAt school//:learn things! At home//:read, bead, watch movies Outside//:many things When you first wake up//:shower (if on school days) or eat breakfast (summer & weekends) What _____do you hateFood//:meat...yucky Color//:brown, dark yellowy greens Hair color//:anything dyed..its just tacky Tv show//:south park..i've only seen one episode and i find the show stupid Clothing style//:grunge look, preppy punk (tacky) Movie//:ella enchanted...i've never seen it but my sources tell me that it is a disgrace to the book Emotions Right NowAre You Happy Right Now//:yeah, or at least content Sad//:no Grumpy//:no Annoyed//:no Angry//:no Sick//:no Lonely//:no Bored//:slightly (i'm filling this out, right?) Have you everMade your own religion//:no Written backwards//:yeah, and mirror writing. i'm not bad (if i do say so myself) Written your own magazine//:i tried to once, with lynnea (when I was like 8) Drawn art//:yeah Got angry with a game//:uh huh Played Lacrosse//:heck yeah! Broken a bone//:no (although it was a close call on my nose that once, zoe!) Dyed your hair//:no Put in contacts for no reason//:no Swam alone//:i've been in a pool by myself, but there were other people out of the water. even so, the JAWS themesong kept going through my head and I got out Things that come to mind when you read...Intelligentence//:thats not a word...intelligentence? its INTELLIGENCE (and someone doesn't have it...*coughcough* whoever made this survey) Stupidity//:the person who wrote intelligentence Depress//:sadness Blood//:gore Blue//:the ocean Gray//:the civil war Sword//:king arthur Golf//:tiger Soccer//:ball Yellow//:daisies Socks//:francesca (my sister's was her first word) Ribbon//:sound of music Random QuestionsPlay Sports, if so, what ones//:soccer, lacrosse Have a lot of friends//:yeah Write good//:its "well" gosh..someone has problemsEat a lot//: i eat like a boy (sometimes) Like the day Friday//: yeahLike the month December//: yep- its my birthday!Do you(or are you)yeah(DY)Give good advice//:i think so (DY)Talk crap//:no (DY)Play a lot of games//: no(DY)Wear hats//: no(DY)Like to be outside//: yeah(AY) Always mad//: no(AY) Always happy//:pretty much (AY) A good friend//: yeah...(no one's ever said anything to the contrary, so...)This or that (Last questions)Night or day//: daySnow or Rain//: snowStars or the Moon//: starsOcean or Pool//: oceanBoat or Plane//: boatBooks or Magazines//: booksYu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: i love them both (not)Blonde or Black Hair//: blondeGreen or Blue Eyes//: greenPants or Shorts//: shortsPop or Rock//: rock, but i like country over bothPunk or Emo//: neitherTatoos or Piercings//: piercings..but within reason (ears, bellybutton) Necklace or Ring//: depends on the outfitClouds or No Clouds//:clouds Art or Literature//: both are wonderfulJeans or Baggy Pants//: jeansSinging or Dancing//: the same time! March or May//: mayHalloween or Christmas//: christmasCoke or Pepsi//: neitherHug or Kiss//: hug
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