Jan 21, 2004 15:26
lol.. Todays been pretty hectic.. Ive been up since like 8 this morning packing and gettin the power cut on at our new house.. So much to do in so little time. I just now got the damn chance to sit for a minute and rest so I figured Id leave a newer entry while Im chillin here with nothin else to do for a while.
We got everything packed up.. Now Im just waitin for Liz to come over and help me haul all these damn clothes n shit to the new house. Its not even a block away from where Im stayin now .. So thats cool. Im still close to family kinda.. lol.. But anywayz... so yea.. today was the big day.. We all got keys to the new house and storage building behind the house so we're all happy and chipper n shit.. :) Liz and I are gonna hit Wally world and Pier 1 up sometime this week so we can start the decorating process ..lol. I love to decorate but when you have 3 people livin in a house who all have different tastes, its kinda hard.. We'll manage tho.. So far, we've all agreed on a rainbow theme.. plenty of pretty colors to go around everywhere.. :) And the bathroom is gonna be a moon and stars theme.. We've got hella glow in the dark shit to put up in there .. Im excited about that. I love moons and stars.. sets the mood off right for the ladies ;) haha.. Cant do none of that in "marriage life"... lol.. jk..
BLAHHH! Im so tired yet I cant sleep. I still have way too much shit to accomplish.. I still gotta go to Burlington and pick my car up sometime today as well. And then go get Rachaels other car cause her honda just aint actin right here lately.. Then we have to re- install her stereo system into this car so it at least sounds like the honda.. haha... Lots of shit on my plate today.. LITTLE time! DAMNIT! I just need more time. Its cool tho.. We have all week to finish things up just right. Tomorrow is our first nite at the new house. We would stay tonite but our furniture wont be there till tomorrow and I love the house and all but I aint down wit sleepin on no damn floor when we got a phat ass bed on the way.. NO SIR!!! lol...
Well I guess Im gonna end here.. for all my peoplez out there wonderin why I havent contacted you lately, Im sorry. Things have just been crazy.. But like I said, we are havin a super bowl party next Sunday and there will be massive women and a couple strippers too so you should all try to make it out there.. Love ya all!