OK, only three links right now...maybe more later on (my schedule got fracked up this week so I'm spending a lot of time waiting for stuff because of this
little slice of heaven *grumble*).
Poll: Public school curriculum should be left to educators, from the Houston Chronicle. And
Texans want reform to state board of education, from the Texas Tribune. Same topic, slightly different reporting.
The Tribune article is fairly straightforward in reporting the poll results. The Chronicle tried to report "all sides of the argument" and ended up with this little piece of hilarity (to which I actually LOL'd): "If public school curriculum were left to Texas Freedom Network and their hand-picked list of academics and bureaucrats, we would have censorship in our science classroom and Christmas and Rosh Hashanah would have been cut out of our social studies teaching, while other religious holidays are taught...." Oh the irony! THEY are crying about censorship in science and social studies???? Not to mention the irony of an attorney being unable to say his main talking point with correct English to the Press while discussing education.