
Jan 25, 2010 12:53

A two-fer post, although the weekend was a three-fer for working out.  That's a *really* good thing, although I felt like an old fart yesterday after workout.

Saturday = upper body

bench press: 110 lbs, 3x3 + 115 lbs, 5x1 (~0.8X BW)
Overhead Press: 75 lbs, 5x3
Bent Over Rows: 105 lbs, 5x5, suppersetted with shrugs
Upright Rows (aka shoulder thingies): 55 lbs, 5x5
Side Bends: 50 lbs, 3x10
Triceps: 45 lb plate, 3x10
Lever lat pulldowns: 55 lbs each side, 5x5
incline situps: 35 lb plate, 3x10

Yesterday = lower body

Deadlifts: 200 lbs, 5x3 + 205 lbs, just once (~1.4X BW)
Squats: 135 lbs, 5x5


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