Link spam alert!

Oct 22, 2009 14:20

In an effort not to whine at you all (totally cereal), here is some link spam..... :-)

This essay resonates with me mostly because of my experiences with guys up in DC, before moving here.  It discusses how guys (hetero) will claim they want women who are all naturally beautiful, yada, yada, yada.  All of the guys I met up in DC said this, yet none of them actually lived it...much as the essay describes.  Thankfully most of the guys in my current friends group (on and off line) have very different ideas of female beauty beyond what I'll call "fashion magazine ideas of beauty."

I'm posting this because it's easy (and fun!) to hate on Tracy Anderson.  The reasons, they are so many.

Eep!  Fox is suspending Dollhouse during sweeps.  But...I'd rather watch that than anything else on their network.

io9 compares the sizes of fiction's tallest monsters.  I was surprised at where the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man came in. As an added bonus they also have info-graphics on solar winds and the space race.

One week before the DVD release, here's a promo for BSG: The Plan.

And, finally, I can't decide if this lamp is tacky or awesome.  Additionally I can't decide if I want it or not.  O.o  Oh!  The agony of indecision!
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