Funny things I've noticed...

Jul 18, 2010 12:39

...Cats turn into lumps of purring fur when placed on beds. Squishy, cuddly, warm-as-an-oven, fuzzy lumps. You can pick 'em up and plop 'em from one spot on the bed to another, and they don't move. Toss a blanket on 'em! They don't care. Of course, some cats make better bed lumps than others. Buddy makes a superb bed lump. Dante is a good lump too. Sierra as well, but only when she's in the mood and not killing inanimate objects.

...While translating my website to Japanese, I find that the Japanese "version" may be more grammatically correct in terms of correcting typos and filling in lost content. Although that just may be for having a more proper translation. May still not be completely perfect in terms of having proper grammar overall. Note to self: remedy this for the English version too. Been meaning to go in and clean up the site in this regard. I also need to tidy up my code, too... It works just fine, but it'll still bug me unless I have clean code. And clean everything else. And checking for broken or outdated links. And just some general decent maintenance.

...I should practice character modeling more.

...It feels good to drive again, even if it is just for short trips to the grocery store in Dad's rickety old van. No use in being afraid to drive. I still miss my car. ;_;

...I realize that this has been a list of things that Cheetah finds vaguely amusing. Bored now.

non sequitur time!, rambles, geekary

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