Life, the universe, and gaming...

Apr 12, 2010 00:45

...As opposed to "everything". XD Then again, there is that.

Classes started up again. Got Game Animation, Intermediate 3D Animation and Level Design 1. All day Tuesdays and Thursdays. May not seem like much but... Lots of work-load ahead of me. Whew! Wondering how I'm going to survive this term. Then again, I wondered how I survived last term and I did rather well. XD Little bit each day... Little bit each day...

And finally got a car! :O Pretty much going "Yay! Finally! I got a car! :D" and "Oh shit! I finally got a car! D:" Fortunately... It's a nice little small car, and it feel very nice to drive. I'm not worried about running over people, or hitting things, and generally feel better about driving now then I did driving around town in Dad's van. Got it used from a very nice older gentlemen, and it's in very good shape for it's age and model. XD All I need to do now is get it insured and go up to the DMV sometime to reinstate my license. After that, it's a matter of practice so I can get around without having to rely on Mom. :D It's a major relief, I can admit.

Geeky note: I got fuzzy dice for it. XD Go ahead and laugh if you want. It's fuzzy dice. It's silly. It's almost cliche. But it feels like my car now. I don't think I'm so terrified of driving anymore. Granted, it's still being an inexperienced driver in the metro Atlanta area of all places, but... yeah. Feels nice. XD

Gaming! Oh boy, gaming! :D I've been replaying Chrono Cross and Grandia over the Spring Break and was completely reminded on how much I love those two games. XD Also got Final Fantasy XIII and Alien versus Predator over the break, too. So far, I've been a happy Cheetah. FFXIII is great - actually one of the better Final Fantasies I've played in a while, and it's ranking up there with Eight and Ten on my personal "ZOMG YAY COOL!" scale. ^^ As for Aliens versus Predator... I love playing the Alien campaign, because of a) crawling on walls; b) being able to slaughter/harvest almost everything in my path; c) it's fun. As in, wickedly, evilly so. XD And lastly, it's the Alien. I love Aliens. Predators are cool and all, but Xenos are where it's at. I've yet to play the Marine campaign, though... Too much of a chicken, admittedly. That's the reason why I mainly don't like FPS games - I hate when things jump out at me. D: That, and it's the fact that I'd be playing as a weak, squishy human instead of a kick-ass near-invincible alien monster who can brutally slaughter things in ways that make even Mortal Kombat look tame... XD But that's just me being blood-thirsty at the moment. XD Shame I haven't hooked up my PS3 to the web to the PSN: it'd be fun to play multi-player, since the game has such a short single player mode and no "lan-party" mode. ¬¬ But, it's fun. I give it props for that. XD

It's late, so off to bed I go. Fortunately, no classes tomorrow.

Wow... It's hard to believe that I'll be 22 this week. On Tuesday. Wowza. Shame I have classes on Tuesday: It would be nice to take that day off and spend some spend for myself and have fun. Maybe I'll spend this weekend as my "birthday" celebration instead. Besides... New Doctor Who this Saturday night! With the Eleventh Doctor! Can't wait! XD

zomg car!, life stuff, doctor who, happy cheetah is happy, video games, zomg brithday!, classes

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