Lol, PCs...

Apr 06, 2009 16:09

...I'm so used to Macs, I keep losing track of myself. XD Not that hard once I get used to it.

Been working in Maya for the better part of the afternoon. Well, not working with it per say, but rather just messing around.

Yet it still keeps going over my head. ¬¬ But that's what classes are for. IN truth, I'm gonna have to get a decent PC desktop in order to be able to use Maya. (And Flash CS3, since my poor beloved Mac is getting old... Poor baby. ;_;)

Hmm, Spring Break was good. Got drafted into doing some work for Dad... then got lazy and just played video games. Though I did do some work on an AWA Prints/Goods list. Still need to get the table registered and paid for (been accepted along with a friend), but financial issues keep popping up at the last minute. >< Arg! In lieu of that, just been writing out a list of stuff I plan to sell. Mostly have ideas for prints at this time, since I'm having but brain-farts for small goods. ¬¬

Lessee... Saw The Watchmen. Pretty much gonna say this: Ozmyndias' Anubis-eared kitty = LOVE. I want one. I felt so bad when it died. ;_; But...! It was a purple Anubis-eared Tiger-kitty! WAH! Bastard could've called it baaaack... *mourns the kitty*

Aaannnd the usual: OMG Roarshach/Rorsach/however-you-spell-it, OMGWTF sex!, I'd tap Nite Owl, lol, Dr. Manhattan's naked and blue and glowing (actually didn't pay any attention to that), Comedian's a bastard and I'm glad he died, Ozmyndias and Rorshac are compellingly awesome bastards, and Silk Spectre = YAY. Also, PURPLE KITTY! PURPLE KITTY!

I'd be terrified of Rorshac if he was a real person. Yet he's compellingly awesome. Maybe it's just because I've got a thing for righteous bastards and gentle adorkable!types in fiction. *points to Escad and Hero of LoM* And OMGSQUEE NITE OWL. Why doesn't he get more love? ;_; Silk Spectre's got a good one right there. Felt so bad for him when she kept going on and on about Dr. Manhattan. ¬¬

But WTF is up with that sex scene in the Owl Ship? Seriously? That's soft-core right there. ¬¬ And GYAAAAH! Violent! ;_; I covered my eyes for half of the violent scenes in the whole film. Meep. But enough on Watchmen.

Got Soul Calibur 4 over Spring Break, I've been devoting a lot of free-time to playing it and unlocking stuff. Already have near-perfect CAS!fighters of: Lara Croft, "Anli" the Heroine, Escad, BlackPearl, Dante, Elazul, Lady, and Hawkeye. Yaaaaay. XD But while the Character Creation system in SC4 is improved in many ways, it lacks some of the features that I liked in the SC3 version, such has having separate "parts". In SC4, it's more of an "either/or" thing. And WTF is up with the equipment destruction? Seriously, Namco? It's cute for the standard characters but very distracting/irritating for custom characters. (Poor Hawkeye lost his shirt several times.)

Still, having an "OMGSQUEE"-ishly fun time with the game. XD

...Mmm, meh. Bored now. I hate having to wait around for evening classes. ¬¬

rambles, awa-con prep, life stuff, computers, cheetah's bored, watching the watchmen, video games, fangirl squee, artist's alley

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