...And it's two-for-one. X3
Title: Tentative
Fandom: Legend of Mana
Character(s): Escad, Heroine
Prompt: 7: one more inch
Rating: PG/K+
Inner Universe Link *
DeviantART Link *
Prompt TableAuthor's Notes: Almost!kissing, and random Mana Spirits ahoy!
Title: Second Love
Fandom: Legend of Mana
Character(s): Escad, Heroine
Prompt: 47: twice
Rating: PG/K+
Inner Universe Link *
DeviantART Link *
Prompt TableAuthor's Notes: More kissing. I'm a fangirl. XD
Yes, yes, I know... I'm a fangirl. XD Hmm, better get a move on and head to bed; got class waaaay early in the morning. X_x Be back later with other stuff.