Zombies on a plane... Horrying, yet at the same, strangely amusing...

Jan 04, 2009 22:07

My friend lent me Resident Evil: Degeneration for me to watch. Interestingly enough, I've never played the games, and only seen gameplay videos of it on the net, and watched the first two RE movies. Ironically, the first two RE movies were what got me into zombies and into Resident Evil. And in comparison, they were bad when compared to the gameplay footage I've seen and this film. I know, watching gameplay videos on youtube isn;t the same as actually playing the games, but I'm admittedly too much of a chicken. ^^; I was still able to follow everythign that was going and understand the backstory behind it all, though.

Fun movie. Had everything needed for a proper Resident evil movie. Zombies, ugly-arse mutant, evil corporation, bio terrorists, jackass senators, LEON AND CLAIRE, macho soldier guy goin' "Rambo" on zombies and whoopin' and hollering in Leon's face, more zombies, tough and tender soldier chick, adorably cute yet screwed marines, spiffy animation and art direction overall, Leon actually telling people to SHOOT THE ZOMBIES IN THE HEAD LIKE THEY NEVER DO IN THE OTHER ZOMBIE MOVIES, creepy viruses, and nary an Anderson or a what's-her-face to ruin it in sight (and if they there were, they were probably zombies that got capped off by Leon and Claire). Oh, and did I mention zombies and ugly mutants?

And it actually looks like and is IN the game's CANON. YAY.

Also, zombies flopping out of an airplane. Would it be awful for me to say that I was sniggering during that scene? Probably, but it was pretty funny.

My only nit-picks? Needs better facial and emotion animation. Also better voice acting would've helped too. Probably be good for the games, but not so for a feature film. Still, it was decent enough, and it did grow on me.

But seriously... Zombies. Flopping out of an airplane. I'm sniggering over that.

resident evil, amusement, zombies, movies, fandom

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