Went to AWA on a Saturday. My costume of choice for this year was Day of Black Sun!Toph. XD Got a whooooole lot of hugs from random people and other Avatards and I had my picture taken more times than I could count. XD
There this one cosplayer in particular who was the cutest little Inuyasha cosplayer I've ever seen. XD He couldn't have been more than maybe 7-years old, and he was just so gosh-darned cute. XD After I took his picture he went right to me and asked "I can take a picture with you?" XDDDDD So cute! His Dad was with him and asked me if I would be around on Sunday (I wouldn't be, unfortunately), as they both recognized me as Toph. From what I hear, he was also seen as Fire Nation! Aang. XD (So cute~!)
Also noted: Whenever another Avatar cosplayer was encountered, there was much hugging and happy squeeing. XD
Let's see.... Another highlight was when a random person asked me to earthbend them... So I did. XD And another random people asked me for my deviantart account as I was headed to a panel I wanted to see. (Random, but awesome. XD)
Speaking of panels, I got to see the Vig Mignognia panel. Aiyeeeeeee! That man is so adorable and sweet. He's a character himself. XD I also got to ask him a question! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD (Question: what were your favorite Full Metal Alchemist moments? Answer: Definately Episode 13 and the last three episodes.) XD Other cute moments included three fangirls giving him a toy lightsaber, him joking around with the Freezeframe guy, his shoutout to his mom and uncle (n'aaawww), amoung others. One fangirl asked if his could send a video-taped shoutout to her friend who couldn't be at the con. He actually did a fake temper-tantrum going "Why?! WHY?! WHY COUDLN'T YOU COME!?!?! DX WAAAH! WE MISS YOUUUU! WH-HI-HI-HYYYY?!?!" XD He also made a joke saying "No, I won't right Roy Mustang's name in a Deathnote, saying he dies from big crushed by Armstrong!" and told about his experiences in voice-acting, such as the powdered dough-nut story and coming up with a completely nickname for Kurogane's character in his work for Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle. I'm going to have top illustrate that and give him a print of... "Kurger-burger!" XD He even did Caramel Dansen! XD
And now, for noted And photographed!) cosplayers... XD
•Solid Snake and Crono. (Snake had his cardboard box and Crono was Crono. Bumped into them quite frenquently. XD)
•Leo, Aeris and Pantsman of VGCats. (Leo even had his Rat-flail! XD)
•Saber of Fate Stay/Night. (She was cuuuuute. XD)
•Raphael of Soul calibu 4 (Got into a nice conversation with him, too. XD)
•Dante of Devil May Cry (He was one of two that I saw. XD Exchanged hugs. XD)
•Nero of DMC4. (He told me that he saw another Dante wandering around.)
•Another Dante and DMC4 Lady. (Exchanged hugs with Lady. XD)
•Jade Curtiss and Asche the Bloody of Tales of the Abyss (HUGE squee worthy! XD)
•Ty Lee (Much squeeing and hugging.)
•Zuko (More hugging. XD)
•Fire Nation Toph
•Another Katara (Squeed/hugged. XD)
•A creature from Breath of Fire 2. (Huge awesome points)
•The Laughing Man of Ghost in the Shell
•Major Motoko Kusanagi. (I hardly see good GITS cosplayers. XD)
•Opera Celes (She was also the maker of the Black Mage quilt that was featured in the Art Show. We exchnaged hugs and I praised her for her awesome quilt and her and her friend's pretty costumes. XD)
•Ryo-Ohki (So totally cute! Also exchanged hugs. XD)
•World's cutest little Inuyasha cosplayer. (So so so cute!)
•La'Harl and Etna
Other noted cosplayers included...
•A huge Super Smach Bros. Brawl group
•A sandwhich
•A sushi roll
•Lots of L's (everywhere!)
•And waaaay too many others to count. XD
Also got a bunch of neat goodies from the Dealer's Room and Artist's Alley. XD Including spiffy awesome prints, a Weighted Companion Cube keychain and a Full Metal Alchemist necklace. XD
All and all, AWA was soooo much fun. XD Next year, I'm gonna try and be there for the whole weekend and sell prints and stuff at Artist's Alley! XD
And in other news, going to a debate party this Friday night at a friend's place. We're pretty much going to watch the Presidential debates, eat junkfood and play an absurd amount of video games. XD