Classes are coming to an end on Friday, so all shall be well. AWA is coming up, and I still haven't started on my Invasion!Toph costume. This annoys me; it'll end up being an amatuer-esque rush-job done in the time span of a week just like my LoM Heroine and Shinigami!Rukia costumes were for the previous few cons, and they'll be on a dirt-cheap budget. I would really like to go the extra mile for once and put some effort into my cosplaying.
...So when I start working on my dream-cosplay (Escad, of course), I want to go the extra mile and make it a good cosplay, damnit!
I've been working on a five-page doujin of the EscadxHeroine variety. It just popped out of nowhere, creatively speaking, like an obsessive urge to create something. That, and it's my OTP. So tally ho! Also have more EscadxHeroine OTP fanworks in the works. <3 Yes, I am aware that I am obsessed with this pairing. This is a problem for you... how?
Haha, add that to the ever-growing pile of various art and fic projects that I want to get done. XD
...Hmm. You know, Escad is very much like Katara, and vice versa. Both are judgmental people, both see the world in only black and white, and both have an outrageous sense of justice and righteousness. Yet, people like Katara where as Escad gets a ton of flak. Ironically, I can't stand Katara and I was actually rooting for Azula to zap her with that lightning bolt. Although I absolutely adore Escad to little itty-bitty pieces.
...Must be the whole "ZOMG HAWT SMEXY MAN!!!!" thing. He's a hot man, so all is forgiven while Katara is a legitmatly strong young woman, yet I just can't stand her. She's... eh... Sorry Aang, but you could seriously do better. Such a stereotypical love-interest... Well, in short. both are self-righteous overly-judgmental, justice-freaks to a ridiculous degree, and would generally be people I would want to beat the absolute crap out of if I met them in real life. I also imagine that, if Escad and Katara meet, they would instiantly hate each other and try and kill each other. Or at leat thrash each other around until the Heroine and Aang step in to clean up the carnage.
Ironically enough, I also tend to think that Escad also has some of the "adorkable!" traits that Zuko has. Oh shit, now I've pulled poor Escad into the whole Zutara nonsense. Geez. Zutara is just like ElazulxHeroine; annoying, over-saturates the fandom, and has waaaaaay too much fandom wank in it. In theory, it'd be okay, and it is good in those blessed rare occassions, but since it's practically everywhere and there's soooo much wank associated with it, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Besides, Zuko and Mai are happily in love, have survived a petty break-up, fluffy bliss, Mai risking betraying Azula and possible death, Zuko risking practically everything, completely epic save-the-wold bad-assery of various and asundry sorts, and are, by definition excellent compliments to each other. In spite of their bumps and obvious differences in their relationship, they are very content and very relaxed around each other. They're also so corny it's cute and totally having sex. This pairing is made of pure awesome, just like EscadxHeroine.
No, really. Escad is totally a dorky bastard in my book. XD The signs are so obvious! He's socially clueless, he's in love with a woman who doesn't love him back in that way, and I'm firmly convinced that he has a secret Alphonse Elric-like fondness for cats. XD I can go on and on...
Well, I'll end it here. My thoughts run all over the place when I'm sleepy, and I somehow magically lose my ability to type. XD