taffimai asked for Wes/Giles and hayfever. This came out more silly than shippy. 200 words, rated G.
“I’m so sorry, Giles. It was an accident.” Wesley said miserably as he blew his nose.
“It’s quite alright, Wesley. I know you didn’t mean for it to happen.” Giles said.
Wesley was not to be comforted. “I just feel terrible. If I’d only known that the enchantment powder contained oak pollen I would have stayed at a safe distance.”
Willow looked up from her spell book. “Wes, it’s as much my fault as yours. I didn’t think to ask if anyone was allergic to oak pollen. I would have had someone else read the incantation over it. Any stray word or, well, a sneeze can totally ruin a spell.”
Wesley suddenly sneezed three times in a row and Giles cringed.
Three small oak branches sprouted from Giles’s head and joined the others that were already there.
“Oh!” Wesley gasped.
“Hurry up, Willow, before he starts dropping acorns!” Buffy said.
“I think I’ve found the reversal spell.” Willow said excitedly. Then she grimaced. “Ugh. Wesley, you aren’t allergic to fresh doggy doo, are you?”
“I don’t think so.” Wesley said worriedly.
Giles smiled wickedly as he brushed a stray leaf from his forehead. “Wesley is definitely performing this ritual himself.”