May 26, 2008 23:54
So today was surprising. I set my alarm last night on my phone for what I thought was 6:45 am but was in fact 6:45 pm. But I also set my alarm clock in my room for 6:43 am but it never went off and I was supposed to go to the beach with Megan and meet her boyfriend, Joe. But I didn't because I overslept. She called me at 8:15 (15 minutes after I was supposed to be there) and could tell from my voice that I had just woken up. So I felt bad and said she should go without me. Even though if I'd have jumped in my car 8:30 or 8:45 would still have been mad early. But that's alright. I went back to bed, screamed and cried into my pillow because I'm a fucking idiot and didn't wake up in time and eventually calmed down, nearly picking up the phone and calling her back to tell her to be careful because obviously something in the universe didn't want me to go to the beach with them that morning. But I fell asleep before I did and I was probably just being paranoid anyway. As it turns out, it was nice that she didn't wait for me or that I didn't get to go because I had a lot of fun with Nicole and Adam and her friends Mike and Mel. But back to the order. I fell back asleep and slept until 1. So I got about 12 hours of sleep in, which somewhat makes up for the sleep I lost at Stoner's. (Which fucking pissed the FUCK off of me. I mean, a few people came in to wake me up at 7 o'clock in the fucking morning. And of course, the light sleeper that I am, I am the ONLY ONE who actually wakes up and goes and eats breakfast then. I had JUST fallen asleep when they started making a ridiculous amount of noise at 3 in the morning (which is different from what someone accused me of doing even worse and louder because, while I do happen to have laugh in a loud, and occasionally told to be obnoxious way, I did not do this at 3 in the morning. I did it at 12 in the morning. Which sounds like a petty difference but it really is significant in that most people are still awake at 12 am, especially at a party like this one. But at 3? I had to DRIVE HOME that day, unlike SOME people. And they wondered why I was so rude and pissed off when they came and woke me! Did they wake Jason? No. Did they wake Alex? No. Did they wake Jordan? GOD DAMN THE FUCK NO!!!! And only one of the people that came and woke me up bothered me. The other two, one I don't remember who they were, and the other didn't really care whether I woke up or not or how I felt about them waking me up. The third gave me the bitchiest attitude ever, and THEN had the nerve not to even say goodbye to me! I BEG your pardon?)
But I'm getting off topic here. I've noticed I tend to do that a lot. So I got about 12 hours of sleep in and I'm sitting in my room checking my livejournal and about to update it with certain items I left out last night when I get a call from Adam. He and Nicole, like me, had just woken up at 1 (but unlike me, he had gotten to bed at around 7:30 the night before so he was fine, the little skank =P) and wanted to go to the beach. Now hearing this after being so disappointed and mopey about sleeping through my trip with Megan, I am thrilled. (I really am. I'm so glad they invited me. It really meant a lot to me and I had so much fun) So by now it's about 1:30 and Nicole calls me back and gives me directions to the beach near her but then we decide I should go to her house because we have to pick up Adam anyway. So I grab a bite of a giant pankape that Melinda made (quite good by the way) eat some brownies even though they're fattening and not good for you (speaking of which I'm going to grab some right now) It would appear that either the brownies have been finished, discarded, or put in the freezer like I told Melinda to do. Either way I can't find them. So I found this interesting looking pasta. It looks like macaroni and cheese but tastes a little garlic-y? Hm. Good, I guess. hmm. an interesting sensation. I carried the bowl of mystery pasta up resting on the top of the cup so the rim was heated and warmed and I just took a drink and the water was cold. So the sensation of cold coming through warm was interesting. Back to the account.
I help Mommy put away some Passover stuff, yes my Passover stuff is still out, what can I say, we procrastinate. I grab my stuff and go. It takes me about 45 minutes to get to Nicole's house. She grabs some popped popcorn, I leave my car at her house and we drive in her amazing Camero to pick up Adam whose house I have FINALLY been to, even if I've never been inside. He lives in a really beautiful neighborhood and a really pretty house. They're similar to the ones Danielle lives in (this girl I'm semi-friends with. She's a close friend of my sister's and we went to camp together for a year before I started working there.)
I need to do my nails. They're getting longer and need some color. LIKE MY FACE!!!! meep.
Then we drive to the beach and relax for a while. It was getting later so I didn't take all of my clothes off. I had on a small jean skirt and cami over a bikini so I just laid down and pulled my shirt up a bit to let my stomach and back get a little color. We sit there for a bit and then two of Nicole's friends from high school join us, Mike Chip (I only know his last name because she kept calling him Mike Chip, like, to his face. Kind of like people used to call Sam Sam Pine. Hmm. It's kind of stopped now, or at least I've noticed it's more Sam than Sam Pine. Focus, Samantha. Focus. So after a while their friend Foaly (his name reminded me of Foaly from the Artemis Fowl books, obviously) and Danielle Saunders, which I could tell was weird for Adam and Nicole, what with her being Adam's ex. But while we sat on the beach, I felt kind of awkward because most of them were talking about things that I didn't know about, like high school teachers and people and catch up and stuff, but Adam seemed as quiet as I was so I don't feel too bad about it. It wasn't that big of a deal. I laid down and sunned a bit and read a bit of Twilight before tearing my eyes away because I felt rude and we were leaving.
I'm up to where Bella just told him to slow down from 100 mph to 80 mph after the restaurant scene. EEEK!!! SOOOO GOOD!!!! I'M IN LOVEE!!!So we left and went to get food at this one deli but they were closed (it was later and chilly-ish out) and then we went into town which, I just have to say, was simply fabulous. It was amazing, like Huntington village but not jappy and obnoxious with preppy rich stores and attitudes. It was just a simple, semi-beach town that was absolutely amazing. As soon as I get a job as a waitress (hopefully at the Melting Pot :)) and I have more money, I will go back with Nicole and possibly Adam, definitely Liore, and go Shopping!!!! Yay!!!!
I am becoming quite exhausted. So I'm going to go to bed and finish this in the morning.
>>>edit:: 12:48 pm:: so, where was I. oh yeah. that amazing mall. There was an Indian store that had a ton of beautiful clothes and trinkets and it was just a wonderful place and as soon as I have money I am going back there and Nicole, Liore, and I are going shopping. End of story. (shiny things are pretty) Then we went to heaven. Well, not really, but kind of almost. It was this candy-chocolate-ice cream-godiva-soda pop- mixture of amazingness that AHHH sooo good. There was Superman ice cream!!!!!! You know what that is??? It's vanilla ice cream but blue red and yellow colored!!! How sick is that!!!
Then we drove back to Nicole's house and watched, me for the first time, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And can I just say Oh My God. This is one of my new favorite movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! matthew Broderick is cute and adorable and YOUNG!!!! and Charlie Sheen makes me groan and melt a little inside (holy fuck) wow. oh boy. crjeezz. well, maybe more of a little. unghhh. yumm. But that movie is simply amazing and wonderful and fabulous and hysterical and I recognized certain people in it and wow is it obvious who they are and AHHHH wow.
Then I drove home and started this entry after lighting a candle that was supposed to smell good and doesn't but candlelight is lovely.
So I don't feel well and I have to call out of the first few hours of work tomorrow and call The Melting Pot to see if they would be interested in hiring me and then email my other professor about a grade I think I received in error then I want to feel better but I also want to go shopping because I have gift cards even if the mall makes me throw up a little and die a little inside plus I have to see people from high school which gah yuck.
mmmph. i don't feel well
And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And I guess I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it
And I said, "Well I guess that's the one thing we've got."
port jefferson,
breakfast at tiffany's,