The Bet (1/3?)

May 09, 2012 02:22

Title: The Bet (1/3?)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: eventual QMi, obsessive! Hanchul
Warnings: brutal abuse of sarcasm
Word count: 1582
Summary: It all started with a bet…until there was a twist. Or a story where Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun are not exactly what they seem.
Disclaimer: The idea behind this story came from a manga my friend told me about. I have not read the manga, nor do I know what it is called, but no copyright infringement was intended in the making of this story

A/N: Not my best work. Just a silly little story inspired by the summary of a manga my friend provided me with. Enjoy!

“Do I really have to do this?”Zhou Mi asked for the umpteenth time, reluctance showing clearly across his sharp, handsome features.

“You knew what you were signing up for! If you didn’t want to do this, you should have rejected the bet” Heechul crowed, clearly enjoying the taller man’s misery. He was reclining against the blue metal door of his locker, looking cool and collected- completely unlike Zhou Mi, whose gym shirt was drenched with sweat as a result of the mile he had just run for class. He had never seen Heechul break a sweat- but that was probably because he was always surrounded by people who were willing to do his bidding in exchange for being able to hang out with him. Currently, he was flanked by his two top-ranking cronies: Lee Sungmin, the guy who made it his life’s purpose to emulate the mighty Kim Heechul but lacked the bitch factor necessary to do so, and Choi Siwon, the not-so-nerdy school president who was in love with Heechul, and thereby with his mini-me, Sungmin. Zhou Mi had never really liked either of them, and today wasn’t any different, he thought to himself as he saw the two Korean men glare menacingly at him, doing their best to ensure that Heechul would have no complaints against them.

“I feel for you man, having to ask that…thing out. If I wasn’t scared of what Heechul would do to me, I would totally call this whole thing off an-“ Ryeowook whispered from where he was cowering behind Donghae, trying his best to not be seen. He had never gotten over his fear of Heechul, which stemmed from his being tormented by the other since birth thanks to the unfortunate coincidence of being his younger cousin.

“Yes well, none of you better help him. Let’s see what kind of magic the boy with the “cutest”ass in the whole school can do.” Heechul smirked, and away, calling back a “I’ll look forward to your efforts” as he sashayed out of the door that led to the hallway, his minions stumbling over their feet in their haste to follow him out. The door shut behind them and left the three men alone in the stuffy locker-room. Zhou Mi walked to the adjoining bathroom, stood at the mirrors opposite the toilet stalls and considered his reflection. Clearly the effeminate man had not gotten over what Han Geng, Zhou Mi’s long time best friend and Heechul’s latest prey love interest had said about Zhou Mi when he had seen the other man in his all-leather outfit at Siwon’s party, a party that Heechul had also attended. Zhou Mi had been grateful at the time he had received the compliment because he knew it was meant to ease his nerves, but now he couldn’t help wishing that he had kept his opinion of Zhou Mi’s butt to himself; jealousy was never pretty, not even on the “milky-white skinned” Kim Heechul.

“So what are you going to do?” a high-pitched voice asked, breaking into his train of thought. Sometime during his internal musing, Ryeowook and Donghae had joined him in the bathroom area.

“About what?” He asked, glancing into the mirror to ensure that his hair was as sex-godish as he had left it.

“About Kyuhyun! Are you actually going to ask him out?” Ryeowook asked, his voice growing louder with disbelief.

“Didn’t you hear Heechul? I kind of have to” Zhou Mi called back, adjusting his v-neck tee so that the collar swooped down just enough to showcase his chest muscles without appearing intentional. He smoothed the remaining errant strands of his hair and smiled at his reflection. Perfect.

“You don’t sound upset about it”

“What will my being upset do? I’ll still have to ask him out. I was the one who did worse on the test so I’m the one who has to go out with Cho Kyuhyun”

“Besides Ryeowook, he’s doing this for Han Geng. Being upset with Heechul won’t get him what he wants” Donghae chimed in, having finally finished his own narcissistic routine. He was, of course, referring to the main term of the wager between Zhou Mi and Heechul. The wager that had stemmed from months of tension between the two males; Heechul had always disliked Zhou Mi for being friends with Han Geng, regardless of his disapproval. Zhou Mi had always disliked Heechul for being Heechul.

In a moment of weakness, Zhou Mi had spilled everything to his new friends Ryeowook and Donghae. He had told them all about the history between him and his Han Geng. His precious childhood friend who had been more like an older brother, always been someone who protected Zhou Mi and someone who Zhou Mi could turn to in a time of need. How the two had attended the same performing arts high school in Beijing before Han Geng had been offered a chance to come to Korea to strengthen his skills on a full scholarship. How Zhou Mi had missed him greatly because they had been unable to stay in contact and how he had been overjoyed when a few years later, he was chosen for the very same scholarship. How excited he had been when he saw Han Geng again and then how devastated he had been when he saw the Hankyung that he had become- a solitary shell of a boy who had nothing in common with the vivacious one Zhou Mi could remember so clearly.

Ryeowook and Donghae had been astonished to know that the Hankyung that they saw daily was not the same Han Geng that existed before in China, not the real Han Geng. They had a hard time reconciling his current status as a friendless introvert with the energetic and charismatic boy Zhou Mi told them stories about. But the more they listened, the more they agreed with Zhou Mi that something had to be done to bring the old Han Geng back. When they had found out that the reason Han Geng had no friends was because Heechul had marked him for his own and practically threatened people away from him, they knew that the only way to fix the situation would be to get Heechul to let up on his obsession with the boy. Their chance had come at the end of semester party that class president Choi Siwon hosted. Zhou Mi had naturally scored an invite, having quickly adjusted to life in Korea and endeared himself to the entire student body. Han Geng hadn’t had the qualifications to merit his own invitation to the glorified booze-fest but Zhou Mi had stepped in and brought him along as his plus one.

The plan at first had been to get in, confront Heechul and talk him into leaving Han Geng alone, and get out, but the reality had been quite different. Upon arrival, drinks had been thrust into their hands and to quell their nerves, they both had downed them. Unfortunately, since neither of them had ever been to one of Siwon’s parties before, no one had warned them about Heechul’s affinity for soju-spiked fruit punch and the next thing Zhou Mi remembered was him getting clingy and Heechul kicking up a fuss about Zhou Mi whoring himself to Han Geng. Snarky remarks turned into weak blows and soon Heechul had Zhou Mi in a headlock, vowing to not release him until he begged for mercy. Unluckily for him, Zhou Mi had managed to grab hold of his ponytail and yanked ferociously, reducing him to unmanly shrieks. Eventually, after their fighting had stopped entertaining those around them, they were pulled apart and told to resolve their differences. Heechul sneered and said nothing, but Zhou Mi managed to stop slurring his speech long enough to state that their problems would be resolved just as soon as Heechul stopped butting into Han Geng’s life.

Heechul, in his typical devil-may-care attitude, proposed a bet, upon the announcement of which Zhou Mi promptly declared that he would never wager money. Heechul merely looked at him with derision and scoffed, claiming that he knew Zhou Mi would be too goody-goody for that. Because he was in a generous mood, he was going to lower the stakes and allow Zhou Mi two chances to help Han Geng. If Zhou Mi performed better than Heechul on the next history test, then Heechul would leave Han Geng alone, no questions asked. If Zhou Mi did worse than Heechul, he would still leave Han Geng alone, but if and only if Zhou Mi publicly dated, and later humiliated, the most despicable person (in Heechul’s eyes) in the whole school; Cho Kyuhyun. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just the way Siwon was standing behind Heechul, quirking those damn eyebrows just so, but Zhou Mi suddenly felt annoyed enough to agree. So he did. And here they were.

“How did you do worse than Heechul anyway? You’re ranked second in the whole school! And Heechul…well Heechul is not” Ryeowook questioned, scampering to follow behind Zhou Mi and his long legs. Second place, something that Zhou Mi could not stand being in anything. Yet another reason why he despised that Choi Siwon…

“I guess Chinese History just isn’t my thing” Zhou Mi responded with a smirk and walked out of the room, the door shutting behind them and blocking the creak of the bathroom stall as it opened to reveal one Cho Kyuhyun.

A/N: Very silly, I know. Still, I hope you all enjoyed it! Comments are love. yay

super junior, fanfic, qmi

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