The Christmas Party

Mar 04, 2012 17:14

Title: The Christmas Party
Pairing: Onew/Minho
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 4594
Summary: In which a porn star and a soccer player overcome yet another hurdle in their hectic life together. Originally written for kat_elric and posted at shineesanta for SHINee Secret Santa 2011
Disclaimer: I don't own them and never will blah blah blah

The slick sounds of sweaty skin sliding against skin filled the musty room. In one corner, a film crew stood watching with detached eyes, tweaking and criticizing until the actors in the shower stall on set were posed to perfection. It was a quick shoot for the day; a simple but passionate shower sex scene with that had started with plenty of foreplay and was often interrupted by sensual kissing.

This kind of scenario wasn’t where much of the money in the porn industry was at; there were no toys, no bondage of any kind, no rough role playing, basically nothing kinky. If it hadn’t been for the high quality of the video that was being taken, one could almost mistake it for a naughty home video taken by a loving couple. The only reason it was being shot was because it was to be the fluff part of the special Christmas themed DVD being put together by the agency, and no one did fluff better than Lee Jinki and Shim Changmin. Both were renowned stars in the pornography world; Jinki was known for his eye smile and his gorgeous honey thighs and Changmin was known for his mile-long legs, forceful aura and charismatic persona. They truly complemented each other, and it was a wonder that despite the numerous times they had sex on camera, they were not romantically involved but instead remained best friends in real life.

Soon enough, Changmin received the cue from the director and sped up his thrusts inside Jinki’s willing body. A few short moments later, he pulled out, slid the condom off before shooting his load across Jinki’s lower back. The camera zoomed in on the thick, viscous liquid sliding enticingly down to the cleft between Jinki’s butt cheeks before panning up and ending the recording as Jinki pulled Changmin down for yet another steamy kiss.

“Great job you guys! It’s going to be such a hit at the party later” called out one of the set directors as Jinki and Changmin pulled apart. Each was accosted by the productions staff members who quickly assisted the men in cleaning up. After they had washed up, each man was given a fluffy white robe and a bottle of water.

“Are we done here?” Jinki asked, voice gruff with all the moaning he had been doing. The director called out an affirmative as he went over the footage with the producer and technical staff. Changmin and Jinki wasted no time in changing, gathering their belongings from their lockers and exiting the studio. They walked in companionable silence to the elevator that would take them down to the lobby from the fourteenth floor of building 63, each withdrawing his personal cell phone from his bag to check for messages. Changmin pressed the round button with the arrow pointing down and turned back to observe Jinki. It wasn’t like his friend to be this silent, especially not after a shoot like that. Even during the shoot he had been jittery and wound up, not enough so that others noticed but enough that Changmin had. The director may not have seen anything wrong with either of his star actors, but Changmin had known his friend for over nineteen years and knew something was up.

“What’s the rush, got a hot date? What would the husband have to say about that?” he asked teasingly, watching the impatient way Jinki was fiddling with his phone.

“Very funny” Jinki called back, his voice belying his anxiety. “Damn it, what the hell?!” he groaned out, hand going out to jab repeatedly at the call button for the elevator, ignoring the fact that the translucent outer circle had already turned red, indicating that the elevator was on its way.

“Doing that won’t make it come any faster, you know.” Changmin drawled, growing perplexed when his ribbing didn’t elicit the usual eye roll and jab in the stomach. “Okay, seriously. What’s wrong? Did lover boy get mad at you having to shoot with me today?”

“No. I don’t think he knows, and before you ask” he stressed, noticing Changmin’s incredulous expression “I did not hide it from him. I told him I had a shoot with a friend today. He just didn’t ask which friend and I didn’t bother clarifying”

“I still can’t believe he bought that. And that he’s okay with you having sex with random guys. But fine, if that wasn’t the issue, what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing” he grimaced at the petulant tone of his own voice, and Changmin’s resulting glare. “It’s just, you know that Christmas party?”

“The one that the agency throws every year that I am forced to go to alone because you weasel your way out of it every single time? I am familiar with it, yes”

“Oh shut up. Yeah, that. So I asked him to come with me this year an-” he glared when Minho cut off his diatribe with a groan

“You know it’s not prince charming’s type of gig. Let me guess, he told you that he wished he could come, but that the timing is off and if word got out in public, it would be hell for his career? Then you both spent the night in silence and this morning he told you he would try to work something out and that he would text you later? And then he texted you saying something about how tonight won’t work?” he smiled bitterly at Jinki’s dumbfounded look “What? You’re not the only one dating a pretentious, condescending jerk” Jinki’s confusion melted into understanding. Changmin had recently finally gotten together with his high school crush; Cho Kyuhyun, former math geek and current world-famous mathematician and youngest ever professor at Seoul National University. It had only taken Changmin the twelve years since they had finished high school to seal the deal, but their relationship had almost as many ups and downs as their courtship once had.

“Basically. I knew he would say that, but I guess I just thought this year would have been different. Things have been going so well lately and he keeps talking about going public and I mean this year I really can’t get out of going to the party so I hoped he would go with me. Should have known better though. What famous football player would want to be seen at a highly televised party with a glorified slut” Jinki said, forcing a smile as he heard Changmin’s sharp intake of breath.

“He said that? That bastard! Jinki you know that is not what you are! You are so much more than that and I-” Jinki held a hand up, smiling at how his lifelong friend’s endearing habit of getting enraged whenever his “honor” was called into question

“No, he didn’t say that. You know Minho does talk like that. It was more that he was holding back from saying it; he made me feel like that’s what he really thinks of me, and it was worse than if he would have actually said it. If he had said it, I could have pretended that it was just in the heat of the moment, but the fact that he didn’t say it but was thinking it means that he really does feel that what. I really know how to pick them huh?” Jinki sighed, averting his gaze from Changmin’s so the other wouldn’t notice that they had glazed over.

“You can’t help who you love, no more than I can. Hell, if I could choose, I would have made sure you would have been the one for me. Still, you have bigger problems than that asshole of a fiancée” Choi Minho, the star striker for the South Korean “Red Devils” was not the biggest fan of Jinki’s onetime lover and longtime best friend Changmin. Clearly, there was no love lost between the two. At one time, they had been friends, even closer than Jinki and Changmin were currently. They had once played for the same soccer team, but Changmin had been brutally injured during the world cup match in 2008. The coach and the rest of his teammates had, after some deliberation, decided to vote him off the team. Changmin had expected Minho to take his side, but Minho had supported the verdict. He was soon appointed with Changmin’s former captaincy and that was when their friendship had ended completely. Changmin always believed Minho to have voted him off to get his position, and Minho was insulted Changmin would think that low of him. They had not spoken in the three years that had elapsed since then. “Have you told Donghee-sshi that you are going to retire before the year ends? Or are you just hoping that your letter did the job” He shivered as he said the name; Shin Donghee was the head of the agency they worked for and he was not known for being understanding. Jinki had left a letter to Donghee to serve as his two weeks’ notice and had been avoiding the man since then.

Jinki opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the “ding” of the elevator. The stainless steel doors slid open, and both men walked into the thankfully empty elevator.

“No, and that’s the only reason I’m going to the party today. I haven’t had the chance to tell him anything because I’ve been too busy trying to avoid being set up with a dozen different guys today.” Jinki was referring to their CEO Shin Donghee’s notorious habit of setting up his star models with young men for the big parties so they could create scandals and the media would go wild with speculation. It was a cheap and sleazy trick, but it got the job done; the sales for their latest release with the star in question would sky-rocket with all the inadvertent promotion the media would end up doing. It was a wonder no one had caught on yet.

“Yes well once he sees us there together he won’t even bother trying to set either of us up. So you just prepare for how you’re going to break the news to him. He’ll be crushed that his “baby boy” won’t be returning.” Minho was referring to the fact that an eleven year old Donghee had once encountered a four year old Jinki being bullied at the local orphanage where they had both lived and been his protector, rescuing him from his bullies and watching out for him since the time he had been a little boy. They had drifted apart after Donghee had reached the legal age where he could be emancipated and had left Jinki at the orphanage to fend for himself. Jinki had never forgotten those years of kindness and to repay the older man, had joined his company after graduating from college and had helped transform his failing adult video business into the industry leader it was today. Ignoring Jinki’s sputtering, he slapped the other on the back for good measure “Be ready by 7, I’ll come pick you up. See you tonight.” And with that the two men went their separate ways, neither looking forward to returning to homes they knew would be dark and lonely.

By 7 PM on the dot, Jinki was ready and waiting by his door. He had been primped and polished and had managed to, with the help of his nosy neighbor Kim Kibum, look heart-stoppingly gorgeous. He was in a fitted black Armani suit, with a dark blue dress shirt and a skinny black tie. Underneath his coat he had on a sleeveless black vest that was tapered to highlight his slim waist and his shirt cuffs were drawn close by his stylish cufflinks, highlighting his slender but strong wrists. His long hair had been was parted on the side of his head, causing a slice of his forehead, as well as his left eyebrow and part of his left eye, to nicely covered by the wavy strands. His eyes were lightly outlined in kohl, giving them a seductive appearance. His dress shoes had been polished so that they practically gleamed from where they rested near the door. He had left a note to Minho telling him about where he was going and to not worry if he was late in coming home.

By 7:02 PM, Jinki was seated in Changmin’s silver Porsche and the minute he fastened his seatbelt, Changmin stepped on the gas and they were on their way to the party that would mark Jinki’s last appearance as a porn star.

Everything was going seamlessly at first. It was like every other holiday party the agency had thrown. It was taking place at Building 63, the same building where most of their facilities were located. The party was on a different floor though; it was taking place in the ballroom which was on the main floor. The ballroom had been lavishly decorated with ornate ornaments large Christmas trees in every corner of the room. There were five large crystal chandeliers in the room, and each resembled a large, multi-dimensional snowflake. There were various food tables set up in the room, each serving a different kind of exotic food and drink. Some tables had more traditional Korean foods, while others had things like sushi, quiche, caviar and everything else that could be considered ostentatious and luxurious. There was also a large open bar at the back of the room, where most of the crowd just happened to be gravitating. There were 25 large white-cloth covered tables that were strategically displaced throughout the room. Each had the capacity to seat 12 people and was set beautifully with dozens of little golden votive candles. At each table was a tall center piece brimming with red poinsettias. At each place setting were three plates all stacked upon each other. At the bottom of the pile was a large square gold ceramic plate, above which was a silver square shaped plate, upon which a round green plate was set. On each round green plate lay a tiny little customized silver snowflake, indicating the name of the person who was to be seated there.

The room itself was packed with well-dressed people milling about, sharing insincere warm words with each other while elegantly stuffing their faces with the food. There were several large, professional grade cameras circulating throughout the room, looking for any sort of scandalous happening. There were the small clusters of people talking to each other only to avoid looking like the outsiders they really were in front of all the cameras, and larger yet somehow more exclusive circles of elite employees who were somehow managing to brag about themselves and indirectly insult everyone in the nearby vicinity at the same time. Jinki and Changmin were headed for the most exclusive of these circles; the one consisting of all the top guns of the agency they worked for; Shin Donghee, the CEO, Kim Heechul, the assistant director, and Choi Siwon, the chief of video production. Both were readily welcomed and engaged in menial small talk until Jinki got the “balls”, as Changmin had put it, to fess up.

“Donghee-ssi, I-”

“Jinki my boy! I’ve told you countless times, drop the formalities” the jovial man practically bellowed, his red face starting to show signs of him having consumed one drink too many.

Ah, yes. Donghee hyung, there’s something important I’d like to talk to you about, if that’s okay with you”

“Go right ahead”

“Er..actually, I was hoping we could talk in private” Jinki mumbled

“Nonsense! Whatever you have to say to me can be said right here” Jinki sighed, he knew there was no arguing with his boss when he got like this. Ignoring how Heechul and Siwon’s eyes had become fixed upon him, he took a deep breath.

“Actually sir, it was about my letter? The one I left on your desk a few weeks ago?”

“Ah, yes marvelous joke that was! Laughed myself silly when I read it” The face was still bearing its happy expression, but Jinki could not help but notice the deadly look in the man’s eyes.

“Sir, it wasn’t a joke. I’m really leaving. This morning was my last shoot with your agency” he ground out, steadfastly ignoring how more and more of the chatter in the room was starting to be blanketed by awkward silence.

“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Heechul stepped in, hands on his hips.

“It means exactly what it sounds like. He’s leaving, he quits. He-” Changmin quieted at the glare Heechul set his way.

“Well where are you going to go? We can make it impossible for you to find a job elsewhere you know. Don’t get any smart ideas about leaving with all the company’s secrets so that you can get better money somewhere else.” Siwon had stepped in as well, and suddenly Jinki found himself growing angry. Why the hell did he have to justify his actions to all these people? He had notified the company and followed all company regulation, and there was no reason why he should be getting the third degree for simply wanting to quit.

“Is that supposed to scare me? Because it doesn’t. I won’t be working anymore”

“Why the hell not?’

“Because I’m in love. And I’m getting married” and with that Jinki turned away, grasping Changmin’s wrist and dragging him away from where he was having eye sex with the food table and out the door. Both men calmly walked through the parting crowd, ignoring the bright camera flashes and questions being shouted out behind them by the scandal-hunting reporters. They could envision the news articles already and privately hoped that at least one would include pictures of Heechul’s face when Jinki had told them the news. Once outside, Jinki exhaled and finally let all the tension escape from his body. He had done it. He had finally left the man who had looked after him for so long and he was not even ashamed of having abandoned the closest thing he had ever had to a parent. He no longer felt indebted to the other man after all the things he had done for him. Changmin, sensing his elation quickly drew him into a hug before steering him through the car. He drove fast through the empty streets and soon Jinki was calling a goodbye to him as he walked up the stoop to his apartment building. He smiled in greeting to the watchful doorman and took the elevator up, resting his head against the cool steel panel at the front. He walked out, yawning as he walked to the door and typed in his passcode.

Jinki waited for the automated lock to unlock after verifying the passcode he had entered. The whole process, which usually lasted all of a minute, seemed to drag on forever tonight, mainly because he was exhausted as hell and two minutes from dropping to the floor to sleep. He had taken about three steps into the darkened apartment before he suddenly found himself being shoved up against the wall. He squeaked, panicking for a few moments before realizing that he knew that hard body that was currently pressed up against his. He groped around on the wall for the light control panel he knew was there before rotating the knob and allowing crisp white light to illuminate the hallway of the apartment. He blinked furiously, trying to overcome the blind spots in his vision. Moments later, when his vision had cleared up, he almost wished it hadn’t. Minho’s face was roughly three inches away from his own face and he found the close proximity arousing, but extremely uncomfortable. He tried to maintain the other’s heated gaze, but found that it was much too overwhelming and had to look away; he was used to being in this position when for work, but it meant nothing then. There was no raw heat, no unadulterated love or passion in those moments, just good acting. Being with someone you loved more than anything made all the difference in the world.

“Hey. You’re back? How was your party?”: Jinki said nervously, trying to edge his way out of the circle of Minho’s arms. He grinned victoriously when he thought his efforts had been successful, only to gasp a second later when Minho yanked his arm and pushed him until he was back where he had started, this time stepping closer to ensure Jinki wouldn’t be escaping again. Jinki winced as the rough edges of the metallic décor on the wall dug into his back, but his protests were immediately swallowed up by Minho’s warm and wet mouth. Jinki didn’t even bother fighting for dominance in the kiss; he knew better than to irritate Minho when he was this worked up. Instead he just submitted to his lover, letting the other’s persuasive tongue coax a response from his own. Minho dragged his arm up from Jinki’s back to the nape of his neck, using it to cradle his head and get better access to Jinki’s willing mouth. This was one of the many things that had originally attracted Jinki to the other man, his ability to make every kiss seem as hot and needy as their first had been.

He wasn’t quite sure what had gotten Minho so hot and bothered, but he had his hunches. Still, he was not going to complain, not when Minho had not even looked at him in what felt like months, let alone touch him. He watched through heavy-lidded eyes as Minho flung as his shirt off and unzipped the fly on his sweats before turning to him.

He felt Minho’s hands at his belt buckle, and straightened a little to allow the other to unclasp it. Before he knew it, Minho had shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees and worked two fingers inside of him. He moaned helplessly into Minho’s mouth as the other’s skillful fingers found his prostate and soon enough, he was moving his body back against them until they rammed into it repeatedly. It had been a while since he had felt the raw burn of being taken without lubrication, and he found that he was more turned on at this domineering side of his fiancée than anything else. Just when he thought he would finally be able to relieve some of the tension in his aching groin, Minho withdrew from his body completely and he groaned in frustration at the resulting emptiness.

He could practically feel the smugness radiating from his lover in waves at his reaction, and flushed brightly as the other started to caress his length with light, playful strokes. The beautiful torture was driving Jinki senseless and he was not ashamed of the needy way he was thrusting up into Minho’s warm hand, seeking completion of some sort. He was brought to the edge of orgasm again and again as Minho used his hand and mouth, only to abandon Jinki right before the climax. After a few torturous near-orgasms, Jinki shoved his own hand down to his crotch in frustration, knocking away Minho’s teasing fingers. If Minho wasn’t going to get him off, he’d just do it himself. He had barely wrapped his sweaty palm around his length before both his wrists were grasped firmly and forcibly pinned above his head. Minho kept one hand braceleted around the slim wrists and used the other to hurriedly slick up his erection using his own precum, before aligning himself with Jinki’s entrance and pushing past the initial tight ring of muscles. It hurt, of course, but it wasn't anything Jinki hadn't endured before. He reached over and grasped Minho’s arms, biting his lip as his lover pushed further in, inch by inch. The only sounds in the hall were their shallow, gasp-like breaths and the slick sounds of their bodies coming together. They moved in unison, adding a few extra touches here and there they knew from experience their partner liked. Jinki’s eyes slid shut as Minho thrust relentlessly into him, his nails clawing at Minho’s shoulders as the other alternated sloppy kisses and bites down his neck.

“I’m… gonna come” Jinki whispered breathlessly, his entire body aching with need. Just before he could, Minho stilled, still buried deep inside him, and wound a hand around the base of his erection yet again. His eyes snapped open in protest, but he could tell by the look in Minho’s eyes that this was more than another attempt to torture him.

“So, am I better than Changmin?” Shit. His eyes widened and he felt himself freeze like a deer caught in headlights. Minho smirked at his lack of response and used his hands to bring life back into Jinki’s softening erection. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” he purred, pushing himself even harder against Jinki. “Did you forget that your agency sends a copy of every DVD you are a part of to the house?”

“Seriously? Are we doing this now?” He sighed, “It’s not like I hid it from you. I told you I had a shoot with a friend. You just didn’t ask who with. Did you end up watching it?” he felt ridiculous talking about something so serious while a cock was stuffed up his ass.

“Mm, how could I not? There’s nothing I like to see more than my ex best friend having sex with my future husband”

Despite his slightly harsh words, Minho seemed to be in a decent mood. Jinki was completely confused and not in the mood anymore. Or that’s what he thought anyway, until he felt Minho’s fingers lightly brushing his entrance, circling around where his body was joined with Minho’s. He gasped at the feather light touches. “Ugh, how can you be annoyed and horny at the same time?”

“Not annoyed and-” Minho denied, eyes glinting in warning.

“Really? So me and Changmin having shower sex doesn’t bother you?” he threw back, only to inhale sharply the next second as Minho worked two fingers in alongside his hot and hard erection.

“You didn’t let me finish. I am not annoyed, but unless you want me to be, you should stop saying the bastard’s name and remember that I’m the only one who has the right to be with you like this now” and he ensured Jinki’s compliance by slamming his mouth back onto the other’s, their teeth clashing slightly and lips bruising with all the force being used. He thrust into the smaller man’s body with renewed vigor, and nothing else was said for a long time.

Later, after they had managed to get into the bedroom and had a few repeat performances in their bed, both men were found lain out over the stained duvet, completely sated and content to just lay there until sleep claimed them both.

“Hey, baby?” Jinki asked faintly, barely even able to keep his eyes open. He smiled slightly when Minho grunted an affirmative “What brought all that on? It couldn’t have been just because of the Changmin thing.”

Minho rolled to face him, eyes losing some of their sleepiness as he stared deeply into those of his fiancée. “It’s going to sound stupid” he grumbled. He pouted slightly at the amused look on Jinki’s face before attempting to roll back onto his side. He was stopped by Jinki’s persistent hands and grumpily turned back to face him.

“I just can’t believe you went to the Christmas party without me”

fanfic, onho, shinee, nc-17

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