I was watching "FoodNation" with Bobby Flay last night and they were making steaks. They talked about the importance of marbling in meat for flavor and texture...blah blah blah. Then I watched "Good Eats" where Alton Brown was at his local Kroger and identified that a good hamburger needs to contain no less than 20% fat for it to be delicious. I did the math in my head and figured at this point I must be in reach of that range. Therefore...I must be delicious. I will have to keep an eye out for cannibals now. Geez...more stress.
In other news...the scale took another turn to the left and I am losing again. Yippee!
jetboo and I have decided to start Phase 1 of Atkins again before our vacation. Did anybody notice that I just added my 1st LJ user? Two days in and we are already lighter.
jetboo I did it again..is having a harder time with it than I, but everybody is different so I'll just try to help as much as I can. We have decided to have an Atkins free vacation. Funny thing is, we have been doing this since April, and they only things I am looking forward to is nachos and roasted marshmallows. I guess it goes to show that some of those comfort foods that I thought I couldn't live without are...well...not that important anymore.