Jingle Bells in August?

Aug 26, 2004 09:24

It is hard to get into the holiday spirit when it is hot outside. The kids aren't even back in school for christ's sake. Yesterday the Holiday Party Committee, that I head, sat down to select menu choices for our 12/4 holiday party. It was odd picking sides that included stuffing, squash, and pumpkin soup. It was even weirder discussing music choices for the cocktail hour. The big bad boss man wants a choir to sign Christmas Carols. I think this is a little odd just because he is Jewish, but what do I know. We started talking about non-secular music options and are pretty much limited to Jingle Bells. We have a very diverse group at the office and would like to avoid the "Christmas" feel and go for our traditional "Winter" feel. This will be hard to do unless we do 10 renditions of Jingle Bells. I have a feeling that this will be the 1st of the parties that I have planned that I don't really want to attend. Between the mandatory live music at the cocktail hour and required sit-down dinner, I am not very excited.

Any suggestions on non-holiday, but still winter-y, music?
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