Movie Theater

Nov 21, 2005 22:49

Okay, not really an update, I just need someplace wher I can write down some ideas for later on, and won't get lost. This summer it is my plan to build a movie theatre in my basement. At the moment, here are my thoughts:

- Finish off the basement, meaning install a ceiling! I couldn't imagine trying to enjoy a movie while trying to avoid dust and wood falling on you.

- Section off the spot with walls, and of course paint them. No idea what color yet. Also thinking about doing this to the entire basement, so its not so brick-like down there, but more like an actual room in the house.

- Possibly recarpet the basement, after 15 years of us kids growing up down there, there is a lot of paint, glue, mud, etc. stuck in the carpet. Maybe time for new carpet.

- Purchase projector. Have found some nice 2000-2700 lumens for under a grand. Not bad. Wondering if I should buy ceiling mount, or set on an 'end stand' in the middle with a shelf for dvd's.

- Purchase cheap, yet functional DVD player that iwll hook up to projector. This will undoubtably the cheapest part of this process.

- For seating, I have two thoughts. One, get three or four couches. I like this idea very much. One would have to be leather for sure. The other option is to find/buy actual movie theatre seats. The only problem is the average price PER SEAT is 60 bucks. Ouch. I can find four couches on the street for free. Even goodwill I could buy 4 couches for 60 bucks. So, at the moment, unless I happen to stumble across movie theatre seats, I think I'll go with couches.

- Stock mini fridge. Well, make sure mini fridge even works.

- Figure out which kind of projector screen to buy. I found that they range from 100-200 dollars for what I would need it for. Score!

- Ask Chris V. to help me with the surround sound. In other words, clear credit card, hand it to him with my blessing.

- Ask an uncle to come over and wire the lighting in the movie theatre so I can dim it. A friend suggested to make it so I can do this with a remote. I like it.

- Buy some antique movie posters, frame them, hang on walls in movie theatre.

- Old fashion popcorn maker?

- Opening night movie: which movie to play first. Thinking about Star Wars Episode III, LOTR: Return of the King, or something else. Post your suggestions for opening night.

- Possibly buy an X-Box so friends can come over and we'll have Halo nights in my basement.

So those are my thoughts. Post your suggestions for anything. I'll add to this list later.
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