Well, since I havent dont a real update in such a long time I figure that I would do one now. On Sunday night Andrew and this other kid picked me up and we chilled at Alex's house for a while and it was a good time. I saw Aubrey, Richard, Matt from the beach (RANDOM), and like 10 other people that I didnt really know but knew of, and I also saw Lauren and Kellie!!! I havnt seen them in so long. So anyways we all start drinking and what not and then I gotta dip home so I get a ride from Richard and its HILARIOUS because hes driving crazily and its me, him, and Andrew and were like running red lights and all this shit so I finally get to my house and Andrew is like getting naked in my front lawn and being such a cutie patootie. I love those kids. So... yeah I have 2 pictures... since Im retarded and forgot to take any more..
Aubrey & Lee
Richard and his BudIce
Then, on Monday I wake up really early so I can go visit my baby in Bethany. So, Conrad and I drive 3 hours to see Jay and James. So, I get to Jays house and hes in the shower (hubba hubba) and we spend the rest of the day together. I wish he lived here, because that would make me so happy. So, anywyas after I leave at like 7:30 we are 10 minutes away and I am crying so hard that Conrad and I turn around so I can see Jay for like 5 more minutes. He ends up getting me icecream and making me feel so much better. Im crazy about him. I dont know when the next time I am going to visit is going to be, but it will be soon.