I hate working with hot food.

Feb 11, 2011 22:05

Instead of chopping stuff in work today, I had to work at the . . . what's it called? The food line? Basically, I hovered over the scrambled eggs, sausages, pancakes, and other HOT breakfast foods. I had to keep it clean and replace the metal tubs whenever the food ran out.

I kind of despise it.

Or I'm just a wimp. I can't handle things that are, well, hot. I look like an idiot, trying to carry heavy metal tubs filled with food using as few fingers as possible. It's even more embarrassing when I end up dropping the tub and it splashes into the water-heated space thingamajig below. In front of other students. -__- And then I'm trying to replace the scrambled eggs, so I take away the tub, and then a waiting student asks, "Are you bringing out more eggs?" I then freak out and reply, "YEAHJUSTGIVEMEAMINUTEHANGON" and fling the eggs all over the place before smashing the metal tub back in place.

I miss my cold fruits, veggies, and tofu. 8(

At least it's the weekend, and I don't have any major tests coming up. Oh, and the Grammys! Geez, it's ridiculous how excited I am to see Muse perform on the Grammys. It's almost sad. But yes, I am super excited. I just hope their performance is amazingly epic. I hope I don't freak my roommates out when I start screaming whenever the boys pop up on the TV screen.
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