An update!

Feb 05, 2011 02:14

Hullo, my long-neglected LiveJournal. I'm using you now because I left my diary back home and I want to write/type.

So, there's been a pretty big change since the last time I posted. I'm currently in my second year of college. Yet, I don't really feel like I've grown or matured. I've definitely learned quite a lot of things, such as social issues related to racism and inequality. So, thank you, my Core writing class.

It's almost 2 AM now, and I don't feel like typing a nice, coherent, self-reflective post. I'm just gonna say whatever comes into my head.

I have a job! Well, it's only a minimum-wage job at one of the dining halls, but it's something. Especially for someone like me who has never had a job before, as embarrassing as it is to admit. :| I was really excited when I found out I was hired, even though the dining hall hires anyone and everyone, with or without a decent résumé. I probably could have put absolutely nothing on my application, and they'd probably still hire me because they need workers. Still, at this point, I'm desperate for anything. The thing I'm most excited about is making my own money, of course. I can buy my own CDs, DVDs, and whatever I fancy. :3 Or save it for textbooks and tuition, which would be the wiser decision.

First day of work was today. I woke up at 6 AM in the morning, wolfed down two bananas, bundled up in layers, and set out. Surprisingly, it wasn't freezing. Looks like that gray sweater did the trick. After my tour around the dining hall and kitchens, all I did was cut stuff, like tofu. (I've never seen such huge blocks of tofu before). After working here, I'm gonna be such a pro at cutting veggies, fruits, and other foodstuff. OH YEAH.

I think my thumb got something like a very, very NOT severe case of frostbite. My hand was really cold from cutting all that cold food, and now my thumb has that strange pins-and-needles feeling. It's been like that since 10 AM. Agh.

The thing that kinda sucks is that I have a class thirty minutes after I get off of work. I thought I'd be dead tired and would keel over, but thankfully, I was okay. Plus, I actually have time for a decent breakfast. I just keep telling myself I'll be fine; just get through one more  hour (and ten minutes), then I can take a nice, rejuvenating nap. It could be worse.

I think I'll finish up. It's a very mundane entry to a very mudane journal.

I'll leave with this note: I WANNA GO BACK TO ITALY. So bad. I miss it so much. Heck, I wanna go back to London and Paris as well. Mostly London. And Italy.
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