Feb 19, 2006 20:54
Ya know what one of the worst feelings in the world is... when your sitting at Coney Island at 4:30am after a night of partying on a typical Saturday night, and someone brings out their cell phone and shows you a video of you doing bad things at a party from that Friday night... and you have no recolection what so ever of those actions. That feeling sucks. Another feeling that sucks is when the boy you like kisses you on friday night and then is an ass to you on saturday and is all over your friend... that feeling sucks. Ya know what else sucks? When you are wasted and you bitch out the boy that you had a chrush on for like all of high school pretty much because he sapposedly spread rumors about you after you and him kissed at a party senior year, then you wake up the next morning in the bathroom (its obvious that you have had ended the night by praying to the porclein gods) and you are wearing his coat and he is laying next to you rubbing your back... I dont believe that I have ever felt like more of a drunk bitch... I think I need to tone down my partying a bit...
p.s. i doubt you still read this but i was with the ppl that called you on friday night... i walked into the room where a couple of my friends and amanda were sitting and she told me to be quiet and told me they were talking to you and i kept grabbing the phone from Brandon and trying to hang it up but they kept calling back, im assuming it was her idea and she gave them your number, I was too drunk to ask questions and i just ended up in the corner crying because I knew this dumbass shit was going to cause drama... i dont need to be made out to look like a psycho ex so theres the explination for ya...