Feb 23, 2005 13:14
Soooooooooooooo I'm supposed to be silent all day today. Its the "Day of Silence" for Eating Concerns Awareness Week and I volunteered to do this, cause I need another involvement for Phi Sig. I got a free shirt to wear for today and a bunch of purple ribbons and flyers to pass out explaining the day. But I suck at this game. People I know say hi to me and ask me how I am and I have to answer, I cant just not answer I feel rude, so great why am I even doing this???!...I have passed out zero ribbons and my MTH 151 class hates me and my group just always stares at me and I dont know why. They always talk about really weird things though and I never have anything to add to the conversation, but today I did!!!!and after I said it they all just stared at me and gave me a dirty look...so maybe they knew I wasnt supposed to be talking....I dont know...all I know is i hate MTH 151 and I hate "Day of silence"
But on a happier note tonight is Happy Wednesday and thats alll that is getting me through this day....
P.S. I'm done with Day of Silence when its Happy Wednesday time :)