My library project is going better than expected. It's not that I mind the work, sifting through files and entering them into a database, but something about sitting up in the stacks with flourescent light and blasting air conditioning really makes me bored and sleepy. I've been working as often as I can in hopes that I'll actually finish, not something I even considered when I started. I figure if I can be very efficient and come in as often as possible, I might be done in two weeks. Check resume fluffing and civil service off the list.
Since I'm not really doing anything productive this summer I decided to take some initiative and work on my journalism skills.
Here is the first thing I have had published since the middle school literary compilation. After seeing that there was a comics workshop run by
7000 BC comics collective at the library I decided to check them and I really liked what I saw. I don't know who runs the Albuquerque Library System, but they definitely have an indie-cool streak. The selection of movies, music, and comics is pretty impressive. It's not that they have a lot of stuff, but they stuff they buy is shockingly hip when you consider that these are your tax dollars at work: Buffy comics, Twin Peaks, and the latest from Devandra Banhart and the White Stripes in the CD racks.
The teen interest shows they've lined up for the summer have also been shockingly good. Nora and I went to see the
Remus Lupins this week. Not being a Harry Potter fan, I only read up to the fourth book and only really liked the third one, I wasn't expecting much. But they were actually a really good pop/punk band. The audience was mainly small children with overly-devoted parents. And apparently small children don't like the rock music. There was a chorus of, "It's too louds," and a sea of mopey faces. Goddamn right it was loud. I was expecting one guy with an accoustic guitar. But they had a PA and obviously enjoyed the license to crank it in a library full of unwitting patrons. The only people who were appropriately rocking out were the half-dozen fan girls who came with Remus Lupins t-shirts, me and Nora, and the amazingly foxy young librarians. Definitely a worthwhile use of gas to drive there.
I'm thinking of doing my next article on hipster spotting, considering that in New Mexico they are a rare and exotic breed. But they are spreading, and somebody has to teach the good people of the Southwest how to spot them!