Title: Raspberry Swirl
Author: Me!
_superherogirl_ :D
Pairing: RikuSora, AkuRoku, Kaiphie? xD Subtle hints of Cloud/Leon
Rating: PG-16 always to be on the safe side
Summary: Three cheers for the hilarity that is adolescence! The heart is a very complex thing, and these teenagers on the verge of going to adulthood are going to realize how important it really is
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Yes I know! I really do hate that because I don't see Kairi doing such a thing. I see her as the type if she knows something is going on, or should be going on in their case... she would just encourage it and help it along the way. ;)
You're close! But there really isn't a meaning behind Jack and Jackie looking like Cloud or Namine. Not much anyhow. The reason I even got the Jack Frost idea was because back in December they gave the claymation of Jack Frost on Fox or abc family, one of those channels, and for some odd reason or other Jack reminded me of Cloud. :3 So the sister idea came as a fluke too, but still I just had to! :D It makes me really happy you like the Frost siblings though! I adore writing them. :P♥
I don't even know if I can make the next one the last, but I hope so. I'll try my best to piece everything as together as possible, without completely doing so. Because then I wouldn't be able to come back with another story. ;) This is only the beginning of my so called saga MUHAHAHAHA *crickets* Okay I'm terribly weird, but thank you so much for enjoying the story so much! *hugs* Here's to hoping you'll like the last chapter too!♥♥♥
Oh okay, I was like "Hmmm. Forshadowing?" Lol, I don't really remember what Jack Frost looks like. Lol, my memory sucks.
Lol! More stories are always welcome. Saga? Sweet! Lol, you aren't too terribly weird, when I get in my moods, I can be weeeird. *claps* Yay you used the term '*crickets*'! I always say "crickets" out loud and no one ever understands lol! *hugs back* And I'll definetely like the next chapte! :D
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