Title: The Yami No Matsuei Cinderella Story *not creative*
_superherogirl_Genre: Humor/Romance/Parody
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Characters/Pairings: Just about everyone is going to be participating in this Cinderella re-enactment. >:) And as for pairings as of yet it has not been established, but ahem there's one that's a definite obvious pairing for now.
Chapter: 3/?
Previous chapters:
1 2Comments: There are some spoilers from the anime and manga. But nothing major though. This is meant to be quite a laid back fic.//
Some things are obvious I totally made up, but just letting you know! Such as, there is no specific time period, because that alone gets me all sidetracked. And I'm very sorry to inform that this chapter has another little rendezvous with Tsuzuki and Muraki, but I promise you that this story is still a Tatsuki fic!//
I usually post it on fanfiction.net first but for some reason it's not letting me upload my story. :(
Summary: Tsuzuki is in the mood to read a fairy tale-esque story, and lucky for him Cinderella gets to be the perfect candidate. Is it wrong to want a happy ending?
Status: In progress
Disclaimer: Unfortunately Yami No Matsuei doesn't belong to me, and neither does the story of Cinderella. Only my wacky mind at work is mine. :)
A strand of light hair fell over the stepmother’s face; he was a bit on the frustrated side. The cause of it was far too many reasons he couldn’t muster all in one go. His advances being semi-rejected from a certain Shinigami wasn’t anything new. Although his supposed daughter had a voice that could break glass. And absolutely not in the ‘I’m going to hit a really high note and shatter this glass with my soprano voice’ way. He gritted his teeth, and tried to keep his composure. After all, he was always one for patience. “Take it from the top, Terazuma.”
Terazuma cleared his throat, and took a deep breath before he commenced singing once more. After doing so he placed a hand over his throat, attempting to look somewhat classier or professional. At least he thought so anyway.
The younger sibling noticed how ridiculous he looked, and didn’t waste any time mocking him. “That’s not going to make you sing better, y’know.”
A glare was shot right back at the individual responsible for the wisecrack. Hisoka was always one for cynicism, in fact he was quite an expert at being so. “Stupid brat, what do you know? Stick to your flute and leave my fabulous singing skills alone.”
Muraki sighed, “That’s enough.”
“As I was singing…”
Hisoka rolled his eyes, and rested his lower lip upon the lip-plate.
The older sister once more went through the same unnecessary procedure, and finally began to sing. “Sing sweet nightingale! Hiiiiiiighhhhhh!!! Aboooooooveee meeee! Oh sing sweeeeet nightingale, sing sweeettt nightingallleeee!!!”
Muraki had almost tapped the wrong piano key as Terazuma hit that last high note. Although, Hisoka stopped playing the flute altogether. Outside Gushoshin younger was curled up by the door of the music room. It was a known fact that the eldest sister had the most horrible singing voice, most likely in the kingdom. Unfortunately for everyone, Terazuma was a stubborn goat that thought otherwise.
Gushoshin younger then heard another voice nearby, another singing voice no less. Although, said singing voice was actually not massacring the song. He decided to get his lazy cat half chicken self up, and go investigate a little. Or clearly cause some havoc, whichever came first. Knowing Gushoshin younger it would probably be the latter.
The stunning singing voice was soon later revealed to be coming from, none other than Tsuzukirella. Naturally, it shouldn‘t come to anyone as a surprise. “Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweeeet nightingale…” In all honesty Tsuzuki never knew he had such an amazing set of pipes, then again this was his dream. Although, he couldn’t help but wonder how much longer this dream was going to go for. Usually people don’t wonder when they’re going to wake up from a dream, sometimes others wish they would last forever. Tsuzuki on the other hand was far from wanting his dream to last forever, or any longer. It was weird enough as it was, and things only kept getting more bizarre. He continued to pass an old rag back and forth on the floor. Then he dipped the rag into the bucket, and once more repeated the same process.
Tsuzuki sang as if no one were listening and went off into a daze. But little did he know, Gushoshin younger was on the prowl. Reason? Why, to be his little conniving deformed cat self of course. The floor that Tsuzuki had spent time scrubbing, and cleaning was now covered in dirty kitty prints. After he had taken the time to sweep all the dirt from the floor, the boy was furious. He pointed the filthy wet rag at the cat, “YOU! Why I outta! I’m going to get you, you… I don’t even know what you are exactly but you’re going to pay for that!”
Gushoshin younger just grinned, and made his exit by hauling his cat booty upstairs.
“COME BACK HERE! UGH GRRR!!! Stupid thing, I did this all for nothing… Pretty much like everything else I do around-” Before Tsuzuki had the chance to finish his ranting the doorbell rang. He sighed and made his way to the door; the bell rang once more and he jumped back.
A raspy voice called out, “Open in the name of the King! This is a mighty important message from his Imperial majesty. Also, if you could possibly get me some scones I’d be most deligh-”
Finally the door was opened, and Tsuzuki arched a brow at the small dwarf sized zombie in front of him. The royal postman was practically falling apart, but that wasn’t really of any importance at the moment. He yoinked the letter from it’s hand, and saw the seal; it was definitely a message from the king. He was intrigued beyond belief, and wanted to open it although decided against it. Who knew what those wicked stepsisters, and one very perverse stepmother would end up doing to the ever sweet Tsuzukirella.
Tsuzuki bowed slightly and let a smile grace his lips, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, have a nice day laddie,” Watson went off to finish delivering the invitations. He knew it would’ve only been polite if he bowed as well, but he was hardly in one piece as it was. The last thing the king’s servant needed was to completely discombobulate in front of a stranger’s house. In broad daylight and on the job, it would be quite blasphemous. The king would certainly be displeased otherwise. If he wanted to fall apart, he would wait until he got back to the castle.
As Tsuzuki closed the door he spotted both Saya and Yuma. The two making their way up a statue that was near the door. It was a white marble statue resembling Michelangelo’s David, which the two mice both decided seemed rather inappropriate. As Saya clearly stated, tacky. Especially because the statue was the first thing anyone would see when setting foot into their home. Not all would enjoy being greeted by a naked statue. Or was it only them? Although they presumed they were the only ones protesting regardless.
Saya sweatdropped as she made her way up to the statue’s neck. The petite mouse could’ve sworn she felt up on something she probably shouldn’t have. She shook any indecent thoughts away, and continued attempting to peek at the letter Tsuzuki had just received. “What does it say Tsuzukirella? I wannnaa know!”
“It must be really important since the royal postman did mention so!” Yuma said a matter-of-factly.
“Personally, I think the king should get a new royal postman. This one looks like he’s rotting and doesn’t give off any pleasant odors.”
Tsuzuki shook his head, “Now Saya that’s not nice! I don’t think he was here long enough for all of us to take a whiff of his unpleasant odors. Or any odors for that matter.”
The mouse nodded, “For that we should all be grateful.”
Yuma sighed, “Would you open the letter already! I’m dying of anticipation here!”
“No Yuma, don’t die please!” Saya clung onto her best friend.
The slightly less dense mouse shoved her off and grunted, “You imbecile I’m not really going to die. But if Tsuzuki doesn’t figure out what to do with the letter soon, maybe…”
“Alright already! I have to show it to them first. You know how it is. If they knew I read a personal letter from the king before they did- I shudder to think really.” He made his way to where the music room was located, and his eye twitched as the lesson progressed. It was more than obvious that Terazuma’s vocal warm-up didn’t do anything for his singing. He could perfectly imagine Hisoka’s ears bleeding from the wretched sounds coming out of his stepsister’s mouth. “Maybe I shouldn’t interrupt…”
The girls both followed him and snickered, but encouraged Tsuzuki to go on ahead.
Tsuzuki took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. They never enjoyed being interrupted during their music session, no matter the circumstances. He only hoped that a message from the king was a valid reason to do so. He knocked and waited for a response of some sort. The terrible singing was still heard from the door, which meant they clearly ignored the knock. Another knock.
Nothing. Once more Tsuzuki knocked and he heard Terazuma’s final high note get stuck in his throat. Before any other noise was emitted from behind the door, Terazuma wailed. He had grabbed Hisoka’s flute from the boy’s grasp and growled. “That was my adam’s apple y’know! That hurt!”
Hisoka glared daggers and any other kind of pointy type objects at his ‘sister’ that just so happened to have an adam’s apple, “It’s not my fault that thing got in the way of my flute playing!”
“What do you want me to do chop it off!”
“That would be swell. While you’re at it, shank off your vocal cords too. That way we don’t have to worry about any future music lessons with your horrid singing voice!”
“How dare you say such things! You’re just insanely jealous! Anyone would kill to have a voice like mine!”
“You’re half right. Anyone would kill, but quite frankly they would kill themselves if they had such a-”
“Girls, girls! Stop!”
Both Hisoka and Terazuma stared back at their mother. And the fact that they were addressed as girls, when they clearly weren‘t. As a matter of fact, it’s even more queer that they consider Muraki their mother… Although, in this more than wacky dream of Tsuzuki’s, everyone had a gender/identity-crisis.
Tsuzuki at this point had given up knocking, and decided to call out to them instead. “I’ve got an urgent message from the king! Can I please, finally come in!”
Muraki opened the door and shrugged, “Certainly, this session had proven to have been yet another disaster anyway. Now, Tsuzuki-san what is this about an urgent message from the king?”
“The royal postman had this just delivered and I thought that-”
Terazuma finished his slight tantrum, and snatched the letter away from his stepsister’s grasp. He was about to rip it open, when it was once more stolen from the bearer’s hold. “Now honestly…”
“I personally don’t think you should have the responsibility to read, no less open such an important letter.”
“And of course you should? What has made you so worthy to do so, huh? Answer me!” Terazuma was nothing short of completely irked. His sister was sure getting on his every last nerve; which didn’t even give Tsuzuki the chance to have such honors, as he usually did.
“Naturally, I’m more mature than both Tsuzukirella and you put together.”
Tsuzuki protested, “Hey, when was I suddenly dragged into this!? I’m just the messenger, so leave me out of it.”
The elder sister took the letter once more, “Mature, ha! You wouldn’t know the first thing about being… mature. I mean look at you, you’re a pipsqueak! Ha ha!”
Hisoka turned beet red and snatched the letter once more, “That just proves my point you ingrate! You don’t know the first thing about anything. I’m going to read it and that’s final.”
The letter was once more taken away from the previous captor’s hands, “No it is not final! I’m taller and older therefore I get to read it!”
The letter was snatched again, “No, you will not.”
And again, “Yes I will.”
One more time for good measure, “No!”
“YES DAMNIT!” Terazuma held onto one edge of the letter and grimaced.
“BAKA LET GO!” Hisoka held onto the other part, and they suddenly began to play tug-o-war with the ever so urgent letter.
“And here I thought I was the most immature of all.” Tsuzuki looked over at Muraki, “Aren’t you going to stop them?”
Muraki stopped staring at his stepdaughter’s rear end and coughed inconspicuously. “I guess it would be best.”
Tsuzuki completely oblivious as usual rushed over to Hisoka’s end. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy’s waist, and attempted to pull him away from the forsaken letter. “Let. Go. Hisoka. It’s just a stupid letter! Don’t let this tyrant get the best of you!”
“I never side with you Terazuma! Now let go of the damn letter! Honestly, it doesn’t matter who reads it, as long as SOMEONE does!”
“Fine! Who cares about the stupid letter! I sure don’t!” Terazuma once more grunted and finally let the death grip on the piece of paper go. In the process sending both Tsuzuki and Hisoka semi-flying to the other end of the room.
“OOF, oww.”
“That’s what you get! HA!”
If Hisoka wasn’t a very deep shade of red before, he must’ve been a volcano waiting to erupt at this point. He had to blow off steam, but he just didn’t know what form of torture would suffice his sister at the moment. He had many in mind, so he would just have to try each and every one on him. What better time than now, he thought to himself.
“Hisoka… could you please… get off me…”
Hisoka then let one of his infamous blushes escape him, “Baka… I hate you all.” He got off of Tsuzuki and made his way to the door. His only means of escaping the crazed family he was part of at that given time.
“Not so fast,” Muraki spoke as he picked up the letter from the floor. “I shall read it, and you will stay here until I finish. Aren’t you the least bit curious of what it is about?”
The boy sighed and stood by the door, ready to leave once the letter was finally read.
Muraki skimmed it and smirked, “Well.”
“Well what, stepmother?”
“What does it say?” Terazuma was once more intrigued.
“This message is urgent indeed. There is to be a ball, in honor of his highness the prince.”
Hisoka turned his attention to his mother, “A ball, for Prince Tatsumi?”
Muraki continued, “Yes, and by royal command every eligible maiden is to attend.”
“Well, that’s us! We‘re mighty eligible after all!” Terazuma beamed.
A pair of incandescent amethyst eyes stared at the three, still sitting dumbfounded on the floor. He was in a complete state of shock. One of the many reasons being Terazuma’s change in character, and the other was how Hisoka seemed excited about this ball as well. Was he the only one that realized there weren’t any eligible maidens living in their house? Maybe only eligible bachelors, but who’s one to notice?
As if on cue Hisoka chimed in, “But none of us are, ahem, eligible maidens.”
Muraki arched a brow and looked his daughter up and down, “Close enough.”
“But mother is Prince Tatsumi… y’know, um into,” Terazuma trailed off.
“We’ll just have to wait and see, wouldn’t we?”
Hisoka blushed even more so, and almost let a half-smile make it’s way across his mouth. “When is this ball?”
All three of them exclaimed in unison, “Tonight?!”
“Why are you so worried Tsuzukirella, you don’t have to worry. You’re not going.”
Tsuzuki finally stood up and rubbed his bum. He pointed a finger accusingly at Terazuma, “And why not? I’m an eligible mai- I mean I’m eligible too! Honestly, if you two males are eligible why aren’t I?”
“Because you’re not worthy of even going near the prince! You filthy thing… He’ll most likely be completely repulsed.”
At that statement Tsuzuki frowned, it hurt to hear such things. Was he really that disgusting as his stepsister was accusing him to be? “I…”
Terazuma laughed, “Besides, you dancing with Prince Tatsumi? What are you thinking?! That’s right, you’re not.”
“Stop it,” Tsuzuki clenched his fists tight, he felt his knuckles go numb. Right now wouldn’t be the time to pick a fight with his stepsister. Any of them. Their minds were obviously set on Tsuzuki not attending said ball. He shook his head and made his way to the door, admitting defeat.
“I see no reason why Tsuzuki-san cannot attend the ball with us.”
Terazuma immediately stopped laughing, “Huh? What? Why?! How can you not see a reason? I see many!”
Hisoka walked over to his sister and nodded, “For the first time, I must agree with this idiot. There really isn’t a proper reason for our stepsister to come along.”
“Hisoka… how could you…”
“Now, now that’s plain harsh. Especially coming from you Hisoka-kun,” Muraki shot both boys a rather sadistic grin, only the doctor could muster.
“I’m just stating the truth, he’ll just embarrass us-”
“-And diminish our chances with Prince Tatsumi!”
Tsuzuki shot back at them, his voice was shaky from fighting back the tears. He knew that in the end none of what was happening was real, but it still hurt. He felt insecure enough as it was, and their snide remarks were really not helping the situation. “Alright, I get it. You both don’t want me to go. I’ll leave you two be then, since I do have chores to get done.” He finally opened the door and made his way back outside.
“Wait,” Muraki called after him. “Would you like to go to the ball, Tsuzuki-san?”
He turned back to his stepmother and nodded although not meeting his gaze.
“If that’s the case, you can go-”
Tsuzuki’s expression went from a puppy that had gotten kicked, to one that had just gotten a bunch of doggy treats. He smiled wide, and had the nerve to hug his stepmother; although thought twice before doing so. His smile faded a bit, “Wait, what’s the catch?”
“Ah, I’m so glad you’ve finally decided to ask. You didn’t think I was just going to let you come along with us, hmm?”
“Of course not.”
“Good. Anyways. There are two conditions, one being to get all your work done. The second is that you have to have something suitable to wear. If you finish all your work, and find something decent to wear you can go.”
“That’s it?”
“Oh stepmother, thank you, thank you! I will get everything done! I promise! I’ll finish everything right now!” Tsuzuki’s smile returned seven times fold, and he went to do the rest of his chores.
“Mother! What are you thinking?! We don’t want him to go!” Terazuma shouted indignantly.
Muraki chuckled and shook his head, “Were you not paying attention?”
“Yes I was! You just basically told him he could go!”
Hisoka smirked and looked over at the both of them, “He said, if.”
“Oh, if?” Terazuma then chuckled as well and realized what they both meant. He knew what he- no they, he knew what they had to do. They had to give Tsuzukirella as much housework, so he won’t be able to attend the ball. He was not going to let his stepsister, of all people, have the satisfaction of going anywhere as nice as the castle. The degenerate didn’t deserve to have such an honor. He made his way to the door as well, and smiled back at his quite wicked family. “I’m going to go make a list.”
“And check it twice?” Hisoka asked.
Terazuma grunted, “I don’t think I need to check it twice. As long as it stretches down onto the floor, and has many things listed for our dear sweet Tsuzukirella to do.”
“Yes, in that case I should get started on mine as well.”
“Remember girls, don’t waste all your precious time thinking up of ways to delay Tsuzuki-san. We on the other hand cannot afford to be late,” Muraki stated as he placed a finger upon his lip pensively.
“Naturally! Well then off I go!” Terazuma rushed out of the music room with a malicious grin plastered on his face. A grin that even frightened Hisoka to an extent, but he presumed it was best to follow suit as well.
After they both left behind their equally evil mother, Muraki went on thinking up plenty of devious plots of his own. He obviously didn’t want Tsuzuki to go to the ball either. That would mean he would have a chance with the prince. If he just so happened to luck out and have the prince fall in love with him… Then where would that leave the pretentious and more than slightly obscene-mannered doctor? Tsuzuki by no means should succeed in being able to go to the ball, and that Muraki was more than certain of.
A dress suit was taken out of a dusty closet as Tsuzuki smiled glimpsing over it. All of his little friends looked up at the tuxedo in awe. He hugged it close to his chest, and reminisced of memories from his past that were far gone. Memories he hadn’t realized he ever had stored in his cluttered mind. Not much was known on Tsuzuki’s biological father, but he knew the suit was familiar. His mother, she was the one that he had seen holding onto the outfit last. How did he just remember that? With the shake of his head he shrugged off anymore unwanted, troubling memories. Thoughts of his family were only going to lead him to distress about the past further. He didn’t have any time to dawdle on anymore of those matters. Especially not now, he had a ball to get ready for! But first, he had to finish with all the chores. Hisoka and Terazuma had given Tsuzuki two ever long lists, both ridiculously reached the floor. He knew all hope was more than lost, but deep inside he knew he could finish it all. So he hung the suit back into the closet and smiled faintly, “I must get back to cleaning. I sure hope I’ll have enough time to fix it up a bit.”
Byakko nodded, “Yeah it is kinda on the rinky-dinky side.”
“I more than agree, but you gotta work with what you have!” Saya proclaimed.
“You two, now seriously! How rude… I think it’s nice, it just needs a little bit of a woman’s touch.” Suzaku semi-beamed.
Touda rolled his eyes and stared up at the dress suit, “A woman’s touch? If this woman’s touch is anything like Saya or Yuma’s… Tsuzuki will end up going to this ball in one of the latest fashions from Pink House.”
“That’s enough,” Tsuzuki managed to say between chuckles. “I suppose it would do with a couple of changes here and there.”
“Such as what changes, Tsuzukirella?” Yuma asked.
“Well for starters this vest is looking rather shabby, and for some reason or other this suit doesn’t have any cufflinks. But I’ll look into that after I-”
Not being able to finish his sentence, Tsuzuki was called upon once more. “Tsuzukirella!”
“Ugh, now what do they want…”
“They’re such pesky buggers,” Byakko said in an annoyed manner as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Suzaku stared at him quizzically at the mention of the British slang. Last time she checked he was nowhere near British… She assumed he had probably been reading more than the healthy amount of… What were those books called? Right! Those Harry Potter books all kids were fond of nowadays. Although, she wasn’t even aware that Byakko knew how to read… but for the sake of the thought babbling, she convinced herself that he did.
“What?” Byakko arched a brow in her direction, after realizing she had been staring at him with the same expression for more than what seemed comfortable.
“Tsuzukirella! Do you not hear us?! Get your prissy fanny back downstairs this instant! We have more stuff for you to do!” Terazuma said sufficiently crystal clear.
Tsuzuki sighed and ignored the prissy fanny comment, almost entirely anyway. “This is ridiculous, but I guess the sprucing up of the suit will have to wait.” He walked out of the room soon after, and knew whatever glint of hope he was holding onto so dear was slowly fading away.
“That’s it! That was the last straw!” Suzaku growled, which was quite semi-amusing coming from a little mouse. But on the other hand, the others--for the exception of Touda- were shaking in their fur.
Saya squeaked and hid behind Yuma, “But what are we going to do? This always happens to poor Tsuzukirelly. Those evil stepsisters and stepmother just want to make his life a living… you know!”
Touda cleared his throat, “Yes, a living hell.”
Both Saya and Yuma gasped as they stared down at the floorboard they were standing on.
“We all love Tsuzuki very much don’t we?”
“Of course we do!” Byakko exclaimed.
“Then, we have to try our best for Tsuzuki not to lose his chance to go to this ball! It’s important to him! And what’s important to him, is important to us. Right? Who’s with me?!”
All the mice cheered loudly, except for Touda, he was not one for cheering. Although he was certainly agreeing with everything Suzaku was saying, which was quite the first.
“That’s all fine and dandy, but question is how we’re going to help him. Yelling, squealing, and all is not going to get him out of this mess. What could five mice do anyway?” Touda finally said amongst Byakko, Saya, and Yuma’s squeaks of support.
“Excuse me.”
Everyone turned to the source of the sound, which revealed to be a very timid looking kitty cat in a corner of the room. Although, it was one particular kitty cat that none of them were familiar with. So regardless of her shy and humble appearance, they were extra cautious. Since there were only two brave ones amongst them; both Suzaku and Touda took it upon themselves to step forward, towards the tabby kitten. Touda took notice that said kitty had different colored eyes, one being green the other a honey color. They were quite beautiful and they suited her very much.
The kitten smiled shyly at the way they were all just staring at her, “I’m terribly sorry, let me introduce myself. And don‘t worry, I wouldn‘t eat any of you.”
Three sighs of relief were heard from behind Suzaku and Touda.
She giggled and extended a paw towards Suzaku, “My name is Wakaba, and as I’ve already made clear I come in peace. I was summoned by an old friend.”
Touda arched a brow even if it wasn't noticeable to the others, “Summoned? Care to explain what you mean by that?”
Wakaba purred and made her way towards them, away from the shadows she had descended from. She had a light pink ribbon tied around her neck in a bow, no collar though. With a slight tilt of her furry head she nodded, “Tsuzukirella needs as much help as he can come across, that’s why I’m here.”
“No offense Miss Wakaba, but what is a kitten such as yourself going to do in order to help Tsuzuki-san? You‘re not much more help than we are,” Yuma finished off bluntly.
“Honestly, anyone else would at least be thankful! But if you really want to know, it was Tsuzuki’s godmother that sent me.”
They all gave each other confused glances and Suzaku said what was on everyone’s mind. “Godmother? Tsuzuki has one of those as well?”
“She’s not anything like his stepmother or stepsisters… right?”
“If she is, we don’t want anything to do with her!”
“Yeah! I’m with Byakko and Saya!”
Touda grunted, “Would it be possible for all of you to stop blabbering?!”
“Don’t worry everyone. He’s not-” Wakaba giggled and heard a loud explosion from behind her. She shrieked and somehow bolted to the top of the ceiling, clawing at it. How she ended up there, she wasn’t quite sure. Although, she was more than certain it had something to do with that earsplitting bang. She meowed in hopeless retaliation, but all she got was a friendly smile from a tall golden haired man in return.
“Hello Wakaba, I see you got to Tsuzukirella’s friends before I did.”
Wakaba sighed in a tad bit of frustration, “Next time don’t do the puff, poof explosion thing while I’m around alright? I almost died of fright!” She let herself drop gracefully on her feet, and onto the floorboards.
“You’re such a silly kitty, remember you have another eight lives. Don’t worry so much about losing one, once in awhile.”
“That’s not funny Watari-san!” She said in a low growl, which sounded more like a hiss.
The tall blond, that was indeed to be revealed as Tsuzuki’s godmother smiled wide some more. He adjusted his glasses and flipped his long, shiny golden hair back. “She’s a little crabby this morning I suppose.”
The mice blinked in utter puzzlement, and exchanged looks that not even they likely understood. After they spent a good while playing the quiet game, it was none other than Saya that decided to speak up. “You’re… Tsuzukirelly’s… godmother?”
Watari turned slightly pink around the cheeks and bowed, “I’m terribly sorry! How rude of me, I had forgotten to introduce myself! But yes, you are correct little lady. I am Tsuzukirella’s fairy godmother. Please do forgive that I’m not exposing my wings right at the moment, but I do assure you they’re there.” He chuckled having his fairy wings sprout out and flap excitedly. They had good timing after all.
Saya and Yuma both stared absentmindedly and giggled as fairy dust filled the room. But neither Suzaku or Touda seemed to be the slightest bit amused by the fairy dust show. Byakko was indifferent about the whole situation, and rolled around on the floorboard that was full of the colorful dusty substance. The younger girls decided to join in soon after.
“That’s ENOUGH!” Suzaku said at the verge of exploding, and most quite literally too. It was probably a side effect of the forsaken magical dust.
“Aw, but Suzaku we were just having a little fun!”
“Byakko… now is not a time for fun and games! We have to help Tsuzukirella!” She turned and looked up at Watari, “Pick me up will you, you fairy thing!”
Watari scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, “Now honestly, you’re just being downright rude. At least say please.”
“Please, fairy. We must have a man to man talk.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me! Fairy thing to mouse! Now move, pick me up!”
The fairy godmother shrugged and picked up the highly strung mouse, “What is it you want to talk about?”
She sighed and shook her head, “About what you’re doing here… How do you expect to help our beloved Tsuzukirella?”
“Don’t worry about what I’m going to do. That’ll come later, besides you guys need to help Tsuzukirella with his suit.”
Touda looked up at Watari’s wand, “Can’t you use that to fix up the suit?”
Watari waved his wand around a little and smirked, “Oh this? Ahem, well it is probably best not to…”
“And why not?” Suzaku asked.
“Well, I’m not really, um…”
“Not really what Watari-san?” Yuma asked just as curious.
Wakaba lowered her head and prepared herself for the worst, “Oh dear here we go again…”
“You see, I’m not a professional fairy godmother yet. Heh…”
All five mice fainted backwards at the same time.
“I knew this was a bad idea!” Wakaba mewled exasperatedly.
“Not to worry, I promise to keep everything under control! I’m doing much better now! The kid from my last assignment is doing great nowadays. And the one before that, as well as the other. I can go visit them now without their loved ones trying to dispose of me, in very not nice ways.”
Byakko cringed, “Who was unfortunate enough to get you as a fairy godmother?”
Touda whispered under his breath, “Apparently a couple…”
“Well,” Watari said hesitantly.
Since he was obviously going to take his precious time in answering them, Wakaba thought it was best to inform them instead. But right at the moment she was going to, Watari spoke up.
“There were not always seven dwarfs…”
“Everyone seems to neglect Stinky, shame he didn’t make it,” Wakaba said with a tilt of her fluffy head.
“And do you all remember Prince Eric?”
Byakko scratched behind his ear, “From that mermaid story?”
Watari nodded.
“Yeah I remember him!”
“Well, he wasn’t always Prince Eric.”
All the mice stared at Watari wide-eyed and jaws dangling below them.
Yuma squeaked, “You mean he was an Erica!?”
Watari nodded once more.
Suzaku rubbed at her temple and tried to keep her patience, “Tsuzuki’s doomed.”
A familiar tune was being hummed into the wide open space, a tune that kept a smile on Tsuzuki’s face. Even though the tune itself seemed out of place, but Tsuzuki didn’t have the heart to stop humming or singing for that matter. “Whistle while you work!” And so he did to the recognizable melody. He then stopped and realized, “Oops, right--wrong fairy tale…”
After Tsuzuki had finished tidying up the backyard, he waltzed back inside and sighed. He pulled out Terazuma’s list of chores and scratched out the ones he had already gotten done. There were still many to go, and Tsuzuki didn’t really feel up to it. He knew they were all just giving him more work, so he wouldn’t be able to attend the ball. At the rate Tsuzuki was going, he was not going to have any time to fix up the suit or anything. He made his way into the kitchen, opened a random cupboard, and searched for a bottle of sake. Maybe if he gulped some down with a bit of apple pie or cheesecake, he would finish the chores off quicker. Hey, a Shinigami could dream… Even if he was already in the process of one at the moment. Dreams within dreams were certainly possible. Oh yes. Tsuzuki needed to keep thinking in an optimistic manner; in fact he needed all the optimism he could get his hands on.
“I want to go home… I want to wake up. This is almost as bad as the after life. Stupid dreams… can‘t even get what I want in them…”
Startled was an understatement for Tsuzuki as he jumped a good three inches off the floor. He closed the cupboard door and faced the culprit. Why was Tsuzuki not surprised… “What do you want stepmother? Next time, knock.”
“Where do you suppose I knock? So I’ll know for future reference.”
“Well, maybe uh…” Tsuzuki looked around and knocked on the cupboard door that he had just finished closing. “This would’ve been a grand place to have done so.”
“I believe I would’ve startled you regardless, Tsuzuki-san.”
“I wouldn’t have!”
“Very well,” Muraki nodded. “Anyway, that’s not why I came to fetch you.”
Tsuzuki rolled his eyes, “What am I your dog? Your own personal dog maid?!”
Muraki roughly grabbed onto his chin and smirked sardonically, “Don’t use that tone with me. I’m still the authority figure in this house, and what I say goes.”
“I,” Tsuzuki was completely shocked. This was quite out of character for the doctor, he usually stayed calm and collected. Something must’ve been bothering him… Although, Tsuzuki shouldn’t be one to care if there was indeed anything troubling Muraki. He was still the enemy, even in his dreams. Tsuzuki just figured he would’ve been more well-mannered, as he usually was. He tried to turn his face the other way, but Muraki held a firm grip on his chin. He thought twice once more, because he certainly didn’t want to pick a fight. Especially not in the situation he was in.
“You what, Tsuzuki-san?”
“I’m sorry, stepmother. I won’t raise my voice… to you again.”
“That’s a good boy,” Muraki licked his lips. The look on Tsuzuki’s face almost sent him over the edge, he simply couldn’t control himself while he looked so helpless. He let the tight grasp on his chin go, and watched as he left behind a light pink tint over his skin. His hand then slowly caressed the Shinigami’s cheek.
Tsuzuki was beginning to feel uncomfortable again, he knew this all too well. The dangers of being alone in a room with Dr. Muraki Kazutaka were one too many. “Please, stepmother I have many things to get done before the ball. I really do want to go.”
Muraki immediately stopped caressing the boy’s cheek, “You don’t really want to go, do you Tsuzuki-san? Do you actually want to become royalty? Have everyone else do everything for you?”
“That would be nice, but I wouldn’t want that. Not entirely anyway. I just really want to attend the ball,” Tsuzuki said bluntly.
“Oh? Just to watch a bunch of women dance with the prince? That’s all the ball really is. You know the deal, don't you? His highness is to find a bride, once he finds said bride he shall marry. The end, happily ever after. Personally I don’t think there’s any room in there for someone such as yourself.”
“No, that’s not the case,” Tsuzuki said tears welling up in his eyes.
“Then tell me what is the case, Tsuzuki-san. Tell me why you want to go this ball so badly.”
“I just want to be happy! I just want my happy ending!” His eyes blazed with an amethyst glow. All those emotions bubbling up at the pit of his stomach, he couldn‘t hold them back. He shook his head and looked down at his filthy shoes; there was no way around it, he couldn’t hold back the tears. Somewhere deep inside his mind, Tsuzuki realized he had just somehow permitted the fiend standing before him the satisfaction of his unwanted downfall. But at the same time, there was something else there as well… Tsuzuki couldn’t put his finger on it.
The glow that had emitted from Tsuzuki‘s eyes dumbfounded Muraki. He had found himself staring at the unnatural color. One of the many reasons he wanted him ever so much. He knew Tsuzuki was more than fit to be royalty, but he was not going to allow it. Muraki had to keep adding salt upon the boy’s wound. Over and over again, until he would eventually break. Lucky for him he had many wounds to do such things to. “Is that really why you want to go? Because the pauper wants his happy ending?”
“Stop it! I want to go to dance and have fun! Why can‘t any of you let me be happy!” Tsuzuki’s eyes lit up once more at the mention of the word fun. He loved fun, especially because the line of work he was in was not fun. It wasn't fun having to take peoples lives away, it wasn’t fun having to watch their loved ones suffer because of it. No fun at all. Tsuzuki wanted to simply have a good time, even if it was only a dream.
Muraki placed his arms around him and pressed him against the kitchen sink. He leaned down and whispered huskily into Tsuzuki’s ear, “I thought you were not to raise your voice to me, ever again. You’ve defied me, you must be punished…”
A loud gasp filled the room as the Shinigami felt his cheeks practically go on fire. He hated being placed in such a position, especially with such a forward man such as his stepmother. Why hasn’t anyone interrupted their rendezvous? Why does he have to put up with this every single time? Instead of pushing him away, why does he let the doctor continue on with his evil ways? Tsuzuki was never sure why, but he assumed it was because he was always caught off guard. Although, sometimes not even he would believe that. His breath hitched as he placed his hands over the sink, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry, might not be good enough this time around…”
“Get off me stepmother,” Tsuzuki spat out as unperturbed as he possibly could in such a position.
Yet another whisper was spoken softly into the shell of Tsuzuki’s ear, as Muraki nibbled on the earlobe, “Don’t fight it Tsuzuki-san. You know you want this more than I do, to be loved… worshipped even. You deserve it all.”
Realization sunk in deeper than the shallowest oceans, and that‘s when he finally reacted, “One minute you’re agreeing with my stepsisters of how unworthy of just about everything I am, and now you’re saying I should be… What was it? Worshipped? Regardless, I don’t want anything you ever have to offer! I would rather die, over and over again!” He shoved his step parent away, taking deep breaths in the process. He didn’t care if he had raised his voice for the thousandth time, he didn’t care about anything. All he cared about was getting everything that needed getting done to get done, so no one would be able to stop him from going to the ball!
The doctor suddenly went cold; the slight bit of warmth that he had absorbed from Tsuzuki’s aura, had faded almost immediately. No matter how determined Tsuzuki was, Muraki was not about to let him go. Ball or no ball, Tsuzuki was not going to set foot anywhere near that castle. No one was going to take his precious Tsuzuki away, especially not some pansy of a prince. If anyone was to make Tsuzuki suffer, cry or hell even fall in love; it was all going to be him. No one else would have a say on his decision but him. Even if the doctor wasn’t exactly looking for love, he was not about to share the most gorgeous specimen he’s ever seen in his life to anyone.
“Foolish you are, but do as you wish. The chances of you finishing off all your chores are slim to none.” Muraki turned to walk out of the kitchen, with the same heinous smirk he always tended to have when he knew he had won an argument.
At the mention of those words Tsuzuki felt himself slide down onto the floor. He hadn’t the slightest idea how to think up a positive outlook on any of what just occurred. Muraki was more than correct, there was no way in Meifu he was going to finish everything. For what seemed as the millionth time in his life, Tsuzuki felt so alone. But he had a mission to accomplish, and he was not about to give up. Tsuzuki knew what giving up meant, and he was not about to admit defeat. Not again. Not ever.
He stood back up and stared at the archway that Muraki had just walked out from, “I’m going to prove you wrong doctor. You’ll see. Even for a person such as myself, there will be a happy ending. I will get my happy ending if it‘s the last thing I do!” He looked down and smiled half-heartedly, even if he still felt doubtful he was going to try his best.
Tsuzuki grinned and struck a pose as he held onto a broom that he was somehow holding onto in mid-air, “I WILL OVERCOME!”
“Are you talking to yourself again? Because really, I’m sure the whole kingdom heard you.”
Tsuzuki made a face and sweatdropped, “Eh?” He turned to his side and saw none other than Hisoka. He sighed and blushed, “Sorry, I’ll get to the rest of the chores now.”
“I know you will, I just wanted to give you another small list. As well as um, Terazuma found this kitty cat. I guess I just wanted to know if she was yours.”
“What?! Another list of-” Before Tsuzuki continued ranting he kept his calm best he could. He had just shouted for the whole kingdom to hear, that he would overcome his step-family. It then dawned on him what Hisoka had finished saying, “Kitty cat? I don’t think I have any-”
Hisoka rolled his eyes, “You’re forgetful. I’m sure she’s yours and you just don’t remember. She’s pretty cute and has surprisingly grown fond of Terazuma. Who would’ve thought? Either way, after you finish here you should probably go check it out.”
“Sure,” He took hold of the small list Hisoka had placed upon the counter.
“Alright, I’m going to go get my suit ready for the ball.” He turned to the direction he had come from, and began to make his way up the stairs to his room.
Tsuzuki grunted and whispered under his breath, “I’m surprised he’s not going to go to the ball in a dress. I’m sure Saya and Yuma would have a fit…”
I agree those two gals would be quite giddy and exceptionally excited.
“What the… did I just hear a-”
Yes, you did.
“Huh? Who are you… where is that voice coming from?!”
Tsuzukirella, I’m the narrator! You’re so silly for not realizing. Silly, silly!
“If you’re the narrator, you’ve really been slacking on the job! I haven’t heard any narrations from you throughout the whole story!”
“I thought so. Narrator my fanny…” After being completely embarrassed, frightened, molested and having had almost self diagnosed himself entirely insane-- Tsuzuki continued on with all the chores that were on those lists. Although, he was still wondering about that kitten Hisoka had mentioned. Where had that kitten come from? He sure knew there weren’t anymore cats in the house. There was only Gushoshin younger, which was one ugly deformed species of cat. “Strange… I’m sure it’s nothing to worry myself about. It is just a kitty cat…”
Before he knew it there was a very high-pitched shout heard from across the hall.
“I take it back.”