Title: Stricken
_superherogirl_ a.k.a Lucy
Pairing: Brian/Zacky
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Brian and Jimmy both need to get their community service hours done for graduation. So they decide to do their hours at this rehab center... that's when Brian meets a very disturbed boy along the way. Did I mention that he is obsessed with the weather?
POV: Third person
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Comments 43
and hell, it was great
And I love all the Alice In Wonderland references. (Is that the correct word? Have no clue :D)
Thank you so much for reading! I'm one happy bunny right now. :3 Haha YES, the old hags are very fond of Jimmy! Poor boy. ;)♥♥♥
I'm glad I made you a happy bunny! ^__^ *hugs* I can just imagine one old lady starpping him to a chair with tape and making him watch old slides from her youth...XD
*hugs back* You're such a sweetie pie! LOL! Oh holy cheeese balls I can so picture that almost perfectly. I might just have to torture Jimmy some more in a future chapter. ;D Thank you for giving me such a brilliant idea. >:) And all credit will go to you of course! ;*
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Ah a new reader! *jumps around a little* Gosh you make me blush, I'm so glad you like the story so far. And most definitely I must update a little faster this time around. Once again thank you so much for reading my little ol' ficcy. ;P♥♥♥
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