Aug 08, 2007 13:59
When preparing Chile Basil Tofu Noodles, do not fear the Fish Sauce. Embrace the Fish Sauce, however much it may suspiciously resemble Extract of Gym Sock to your offended nostrils. It knows what to do, this it promises. Do not overwhelm it with the juice of a large lime, when the recipe calls for only one tablespoon (albeit “heaping”).
Furthermore, note the important difference between Thai basil and regular basil. The Fred Meyer Produce Lady might insist that “they taste pretty much the same” but this is because her palate is undiscerning. If Fred Meyer has 824,992,341 packages of regular basil and only one of the Thai variety--enough for half the necessary amount--go to Rosauers.
Additionally, when the recipe calls for “between four and eight” Serrano Chiles, this means that four will be spicy, and any other number will Hurt Your Mouth. Do not imagine that six Serranos will produce a “moderate” spiciness unless you are prepared to follow your meal with a pint of ice cream and a cold shower.
Finally, resist the temptation to feed a bite of your “moderately” spicy noodles to the Chihuahua in your care, no matter how persistently he begs. This will only result in tears and a return trip to Fred Meyer for Pet Accident Spot Cleaner.