I feel like I've been so absent from internet lately, just because school and my extracurriculars are kicking my ass pretty much constantly. Sometimes I wish I really could ragequit life like how my friends and I joke, but we all know that's not possible. SIGH.
Some of the more major/more recent things that've happened lately:
- GSA got passed at our school! But Bridges was being douchy and used up the senior stage the entire week during Ally Week, so we couldn't properly celebrate or plan events for that. Our next event is movie night! C:
- Duong and I made octofinals for our first debate tournament together (even though we lost during the octofinals), and then he got 6th place best speaker during our second tournament, and I got 2nd out of 80 novice debaters.
- I've figured out that my body is allergic to procrastination and homework. Whenever I have a ton of homework to do because I've procrastinated, it has an allergic reaction - sleep. And then I don't wake up till 4 or 5, and then I just freak out. Just somehow, things usually end up working out. IDK how my grades are not failing yet, what with how much I slack off.
- Bob Dylan is very much unpopular with most high schoolers, and that makes me sad. My teacher played "With God on Our Side" today in AP Lang because it correlated with our project in our unit of Good, Evil, and Freewill. The class complained and began mocking the repetition of "God on our side" at the end, and I was probably one of the only ones if not the only one who actually enjoyed the song, other than the teacher. :C
- And. Well. You always think that bad things happen to other people. You never really expect it to happen to you. I should've had my guard up, but I didn't. I was walking back to school from my friend's house to put a book back in my locker and get a couple others earlier today at around 7:40 pm. I usually walk to and from school with no worry, even in the dark. I should've suspected something when I saw the guy sitting in his van, doing nothing and kind of staring at me as I walked by, only to drive off a little after I passed. I didn't expect him to be waiting for me down the road, just standing there and flashing me. I'm glad it was really dark out, and never before had I been so glad that I'm an athlete. Ugh. Male genitalia creeped me out enough as it was before. I ran to the school, of course. Even at night, when there wasn't anyone but a few custodians around, I felt way safer there than in the street. And I'm really glad that Jenn's mom was home and was willing to come pick me up at the school. I won't be walking around by myself at night for a while. I hope that creeper doesn't do anything to the unsuspecting trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Our neighborhood is usually a pretty safe and quiet place. I'd hate to be scared of it just because of some creeps out there.