
Sep 21, 2005 13:24

September 18 - Today I went and got my hair done, and then went to the mall with my mom and brother to try to find some shoes. I couldn't find any I liked, dang it. After that, I picked up the photos I took at the party and then my mom, brother, and me went back to the campus and Opa installed my fridge and I showed mommy where I have to walk everyday. That night, Bora called me and told me Monica hadn't returned her phone calls all day. I got really worried because it's just not like Monica to not return calls.

September 19 - Everything was ok with Monica. She called Bora and said she was in South Carolina with Eric and that he's getting help and all that. *sigh* I don't really know what to do... Oh, and Aaliyah told me how she saw Jeremy at her work. It gave me an urge to give him a call. Kiyana doesn't think that would be a good idea though.
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