027 [video]

Nov 30, 2010 05:39

[...at first, the feed is only audio. Pidgeys are chirping in the background, welcoming the dawn, and you can hear another odd sound...flowing water, maybe?

All of a sudden, however, these peaceful morning sounds are interuptted by the shrill cries of one very distressed Furret.]

F-fuuurr! Furr furret!

Wha...Lady? [Guess who sounds...incredibly ( Read more... )

phoenix the butt monkey, route 34, darn you johto darn you well, !ic, i've got a bad feeling about this, what a?!, location location location, what a jolly good nap, made it out alive, !video

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oh god lol worst time ever for Phoenix to accidentally meet Heather in person [VIDEO] foolishwren November 30 2010, 15:48:45 UTC
[Heather's answer to this startling new development comes several hours later, possibly when he's already in the city itself.]

... Phoenix?

You're in Goldenrod?


[video; IS THE TIMING NOT PERFECT?] cheapblusuits November 30 2010, 16:14:54 UTC
[Oh hey, Heather! When he picks up, you can see buildings behind him -- that would be the affirmative!] Yeah, I wasn't too far away...

[He's too weirded out and exhausted to remember that Goldenrod is where Heather is...]


[video; GOD I KNOW poor thing] foolishwren November 30 2010, 16:20:31 UTC
[Heather looks... shot. Completely shot. Her eyes are bleary and her hair is an absolute mess. INCREDIBLY ironically, she looks like she hasn't slept at all.]


[She sounds oddly... distant.]

... Where are you?


[video; HE WILL NEVER GET A BREAK EVER] cheapblusuits November 30 2010, 23:33:39 UTC
[Phoenix...just looks tired. Better than some, but still pretty bad. As if he ran a marathon, got hit by a truck, and then did not sleep for 72 hours. Ahaha oh wait--]

About a block away from the Center, I think. Why do yo-- [....OOOOH THAT'S RIGHT HEATHER IS IN GOLDENROD TOO--

--but then his look turns concerned and he adds;] D-Don't feel like you have to come out and meet me or anything. Especially if you're not feeling up to it.


[video; NO HE WON'T] foolishwren November 30 2010, 23:38:43 UTC
[Her answer is blunt. She is already grabbing her vest-- which is... which is full of tears and holes now, sob.]

Shut up. This is a city and you'll probably get mugged and die unless someone protects you.


[She sounds... a lot more frazzled and a lot LESS coherent than normal. And for good reason-- her brain is absolutely fried right now. So Phoenix can feel free to WTF at that response. It's not something she would normally say without a heavy dose of sarcasm, but she sounds... surprisingly serious and dry.]


[video; POOR BABY. POOOOR BABY.] cheapblusuits November 30 2010, 23:41:03 UTC
[...uh. Was he really that hopeless? He looks...mildly offended, actually.]

Heather, I've lived in Los Angeles for all my life. I think I'll be fine.

...either way. Where are you? I can just meet you halfway...


[video; ] foolishwren December 1 2010, 05:45:10 UTC
[YES PHOENIX, YES YOU ARE. Your ass nearly died with the Dahlia thing. Heather now does not trust your judgment at all. At least while she's half-awake and really frazzled.]

No. You'll die.


... I'm at the hotel.


[video] cheapblusuits December 1 2010, 06:00:32 UTC
... [SORRY, HEATHER, PHOENIX...IS GOING TO KEEP WALKING. He needs to have SOME manly pride, after all...]

...right. The hotel. I'll meet you halfway.

[Phoenix Wright: Stubborn As All Hell.]


[video] foolishwren December 1 2010, 06:06:57 UTC
You will die.

[But... is she really in any position to stop him? No.]

[SO... MEETING HALFWAY IT IS, THEN. The hotel is the really tall building a few blocks away from the Department Store.]


[video -- > action!; HEEEEERE I AM] cheapblusuits December 7 2010, 23:42:50 UTC
[He just...chuckles, a bit, and rolls his eyes. He can take care of himself when he's not surrounded by homicidal maniacs or ledges, believe it or not!

And well, Heather, he will be heading in that direction, so when you see the bundled-up spikey thing with a writhing mass of assorted Pokémon bounding around his feet, you've found your man!]


[video -- > action!; YAAAAAAAY] foolishwren December 8 2010, 00:29:52 UTC
[Aaaand eventually he will spot Heather slouching along-- in the early hour, there's few outdoors and she looks... well. Frazzled as all hell. There's a weird, skittish quality to the way she's walking, like a really neurotic horse.]

[She does spot him, though, and speeds up.]

THERE you are. You're not dead. Okay, good.


[action! FINALLY GOD.] cheapblusuits December 8 2010, 04:36:36 UTC
[Seeing her...rather unsightly gait, he hesitates just a bit before trotting over to meet her.]

Er...really, I'm not the one I think you should be worrying about? [He gives her a worried look. He SAID you didn't have to meet him...

...all in all, though, he just sort of takes a moment to remember that this is actually the first time he's SPOKEN to Heather face-to-face. Because that "incident" in Violet did not count in the slightest. It's...it's kind of a weird feeling, really, considering how much of a friend he considers her to be, and all of the clusterfuck fiascos they're waded through more or less together. (But not really. He's just being mentally melodramatic, ignore him.)

Eventually, though? He smiles. And considering how totally exhausted and downright bewildered he is, Heather, that's quite a feat.]

Either way, though, uh...it's good to see you.


[action! BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. THE AWKWARD NEEDS TO HAPPEN.] foolishwren December 8 2010, 04:41:16 UTC
[Whatcho talkin bout, Phoenix? YOU'RE the one who almost got murdered!]

[When she reaches him, she pauses with a hand on one knee, catching her breath. She's obviously in... a bit of a state. ... But who could blame her? That.... losing-three-days thing is weirding EVERYBODY out and it's obvious she hasn't slept since she woke up.]

[She does straighten up though, with a deep sigh as she scrubs messier-than-normal-even hair out of her face.]

Snnggkkh... I, uh.... yeah. Hi.

[... And then she pauses. It... was just hitting her all at once how incredibly awkward this was-- for the same reasons Phoenix had inwardly described. Last time she'd seen him in person, she'd clobbered him black and blue. And now, after all the accidental soul-baring and general calamity...]

... Nice to see you too.

[She suddenly kind of looks like a kid who just realized they walked into the wrong classroom.]


[action! AKWARD MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER. ♥] cheapblusuits December 8 2010, 05:04:14 UTC
[...still giving you that worried look, with his hands shoved into his pockets. He looks...well, he looks like a man who just spent the night sleeping outside. Which he did. His hair is sticking out at weird positions, and there's a little bruise on the side of his cheek from when he fell out of that tree. He's also holding himself in an odd position, as well, slightly off to the side and leaning back -- his legs feel as if he's been running a marathon.

And, well...with an awkward neck rub and a glance to the side, he makes it obvious that you're not the only awkward one here, Heather!]

...you didn't run all the way here, did you?


[action! ] foolishwren December 8 2010, 05:20:07 UTC
[His appearance is not lost on her and she'll... probably tease him for it later. But for now, the awkward remains supreme. She's kicking at the road with the heel of her shoe-- and she pretty much feels the same way. Despite having supposedly been asleep for three days...]

Uh-- well, no.

I kind of... uh, weaved.


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