023 [video/action for Violet]

Nov 13, 2010 12:16

[Good afternoon, Route! After eloping with with his psycho ex-girlfriend, nursing his sick best friend and generally taking care of a few obligations, Phoenix has finally popped back up on the radar! And -- hey, what's this? When the feed opens, the guy is actually smiling!

...well, to be fair, there's still an incredible amount of strain in his ( Read more... )

blue moon badass, la la la, badge fetish, violet city, made it out alive, !ic, !video

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[Video] I WOULD HAVE READ A BATTLE SCENE. foolishwren November 13 2010, 21:16:54 UTC
[What's this? PHOENIX? Winning a BADGE? Be still my beating heart.]

[But no seriously, Heather's relieved to see him whole and healthy (though she won't admit just how much. He's fine so there's not much point in blathering about how alive he is. Still, fact remains. She's glad he's not in a DITCH somewhere).]

Didn't think you had it in ya, lawyer-man.

Guess you've got some fight in you after all!


[video] I WILL KEEP THAT IN MIND FOR HIS HIVE BADGE WIN! cheapblusuits November 13 2010, 21:28:46 UTC
[It's far more likely that he would end up in a cave or at the bottom of a river than in a ditch, but that's beside the point. He chuckles, tilting sideways a bit as his Furret begins to clamber up his back and settle on his shoulders. She wants to say hi to Heather!]

Lady, calm down--hey, I did play the games when I was younger. Believe it or not, battling is something I actually know how to do.


[video] EXCELLENT foolishwren November 13 2010, 21:38:18 UTC
[Well, either way it all ends with the whole bloated n'corpsified thing. Not a pretty picture!]

[Heather laughs a little when the excitable Furret crawls up on his shoulders. She's been in the same position more than once with Arty-- although with Arty it was rarely because she wanted to say 'hi' and usually because she wanted to give whoever was on the screen a piece of her mind. Arty was not nice.]

Oh, well forgive me then. [She was still grinning toothily.] Still, wouldn'ta thought it. So what're you gonna do now that you've got that badge?

[She... was just gonna not mention the fact that she hadn't beaten Falkner, herself.]


[video] cheapblusuits November 13 2010, 23:41:27 UTC
[Yeah, that really isn't the best position you'd want to be in! And Lady proceeds to chirp happily at the camera and bounces a bit on Phoenix's shoulder.]

Well...we're going to leave for Azalea once everyone's ready.

...that might take a while, though...


[video] foolishwren November 14 2010, 01:06:34 UTC
[Awwww now why couldn't Heather have a nice friendly Furret like that? 8( Lady is sweet.]

Everyone, huh?

[At that, Heather's expression grew a little less lighthearted. Little Edgeworth had told her a bit about what had gone on, but she was still pretty... well. Confused. And worried.]

So... did you find... you know. Her?


[video] cheapblusuits November 14 2010, 22:45:34 UTC
[...oh, right. Her. They'd been talking about this before, hadn't they?

He sombers up immediately, and nods.]


...she's here, now. I went to go meet her on Route 31, and then...we travelled back to Violet together.


[video] foolishwren November 14 2010, 23:21:51 UTC
[... She's... here??]

[Heather groans and presses a hand over her eyes.]



[video] cheapblusuits November 14 2010, 23:35:21 UTC
[ooc; ...would you believe me if I said I had drawn Heather in that exact pose and saying the exact same thing, like, weeks ago? AHAHAHAH.]

[A-and here's his embarassed (and slightly guilty) face.] W-well, I mean...at least, this way, I can keep an eye on her...

[You excuses are so paper-thin, Phoenix. Why can't you just admit that you wanted your second chance?]


[video] foolishwren November 14 2010, 23:39:02 UTC
[ooc: .... what show me]

And put her close to you and the people you care about?

Phoenix, how is that smart?

[She's sort of keeping her voice down in case Dahlia happens to be nearby... because hell, she DOESN'T KNOW.]


[video] cheapblusuits November 14 2010, 23:41:26 UTC
[ooc; I-I can't atm because I alck my scanner BUT REMIND ME TOMORROW AND I SHALL!]

She would have come here anyway, so...

...it probably wasn't a good idea, though, I guess. [A strained chuckle.

She was there, with him, but...he's been good about keeping her away from his transmissions. He has THAT much sense, at least.]


[video] foolishwren November 14 2010, 23:44:25 UTC
[ooc: YAAAAAY OKAY also I got your message about Terry Pratchett-- YES WE MUST GEEK BECAUSE GLHD;GL;DG GOOD OMENS FLF;G;;G]

[Heather's tone has turned very, very serious.]

No. No, it wasn't.

Look, I only know what you've told me, but-- ... if she did try to kill you, that means she's just fine and dandy with hurting you.

And if she's fine and dandy with hurting you, guess what the easiest way to do that is?

[She's speaking from experience. She hadn't told Phoenix about this part of her tale, but Heather learned the hard way that sometimes when people want to hurt you, it's not always you they go after...]


[video] cheapblusuits November 14 2010, 23:53:41 UTC


the Amazing Maurice



[Sure, he'd thought about it. But...it had never been Phoenix himself that Dahlia had really wanted to hurt. He'd just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, so as long as he didn't put a toe out of line here...she wouldn't have any reason to hurt him, or his friends.


--I won't let her do that.

I won't let any one else die because of her.

[A clench of his fists. And even if you can't see it from the video, the strain and pain and sadness on his face makes his thought process all too obvious.]


[video] foolishwren November 15 2010, 01:11:31 UTC
We had a Crowley once, but he posted once and then never again, which made me so sad.

Also oh man I would love a Discworld!Death in this game. He and Sandman!Death could be BROS. ;-;]

[Heather feels sympathy... she really, really does... but her expression doesn't change. It's steely and almost cold.]


That's what I said once.


[video] cheapblusuits November 15 2010, 13:19:21 UTC
[ooc; I-I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD PULL HIM OFF THOUGHT DGHGHLGJL I want to app either uh. Aziraphale, Death, Maurice, Dangerous Beans or Vimes...8Ta C-cannot decide sobbu]

[That expression...he figured Heather probably knows what she's talking about. With all of the stuff he knows about Silent Hill, and about her mother...it makes sense, actually, that she would have had this kind of bullcrap happen to her, too.

But, well. Two things.

One, this wasn't Silent Hill.

And two, he wasn't Heather. When he looks back up at Heather again, there's such raw determination in his eyes that it's almost a bit frightening, really.]

I won't let her. No matter what it takes, I--

--I probably made a mistake. Going to pick her up like that, letting her get near me. I thought...I really thought is was the right thing to do at the time.

["Besides, I missed her. Don't you understand? I missed her!"]

...so that's why I...I can't let her hurt any of my friends. I won't let anything happen to them because of me.


[video] foolishwren November 15 2010, 14:15:00 UTC
[ooc: OH MAN THOSE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITES AAAUGH. If I didn't have so little time, I'd love to play a Vimes myself. He is kind of my personal fave of the Discworld universe in general. He tugs my heartstrings like no other. But dude, if you apped ANY of those characters, I would follow religiously.]

[Heather does know what she's talking about. She knows what she's talking about very well. She can still hear the words Claudia spoke in her head as clear as yesterday.]

[She catches that determination in his eyes, though-- ... and backs down. Fine. Okay. She won't argue. She can tell arguing won't do any good. But hey, what the frigging hell. Who cares? He's still practically a stranger, right? It shouldn't even matter. Let him make his own mistakes. ... It's just so hard to do...]

.... For your own sake, I hope you can do it.

[Because I sure wasn't able to and look where it's gotten me...]


[video] cheapblusuits November 15 2010, 16:11:59 UTC
[ooc; IF YOU JOIN AS VIMES I WILL JOIN AS LIKE...ANGUA OR SOMETHING IDK MAN maybe Carrot, because he's a sweetie.

My personal favorite is definitely Aziraphale (Not really Discworld itself, but oh well...). I like Granny Weatherwax a lot, too, but I could never play her well ever. She would totally have a Meowth named You, though.]

[He's knows he's neing stubborn, and that he should probably start listening to people, but...he didn't want to get anyone else involved ( ... )


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