023 [video/action for Violet]

Nov 13, 2010 12:16

[Good afternoon, Route! After eloping with with his psycho ex-girlfriend, nursing his sick best friend and generally taking care of a few obligations, Phoenix has finally popped back up on the radar! And -- hey, what's this? When the feed opens, the guy is actually smiling!

...well, to be fair, there's still an incredible amount of strain in his ( Read more... )

blue moon badass, la la la, badge fetish, violet city, made it out alive, !ic, !video

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[video] cheapblusuits November 15 2010, 16:11:59 UTC
[ooc; IF YOU JOIN AS VIMES I WILL JOIN AS LIKE...ANGUA OR SOMETHING IDK MAN maybe Carrot, because he's a sweetie.

My personal favorite is definitely Aziraphale (Not really Discworld itself, but oh well...). I like Granny Weatherwax a lot, too, but I could never play her well ever. She would totally have a Meowth named You, though.]

[He's knows he's neing stubborn, and that he should probably start listening to people, but...he didn't want to get anyone else involved.

Besides, Heather was in Goldenrod. Even if he had the balls to ask for help, it's not like she would be able to. But, really...Phoenix knows he needs it. If Dahlia were to do something...he doesn't know if he would be able to stop her.

He wishes Mia was here. Mia would know what to do. She'd be able to totally ignore his stubborn exterior and help him anyway. Of course, maybe this was also his chance to start helping himself...by himself.

It could go either way, Phoenix decided. He hadn't realized he'd been silent for so long, going through this mental tirade -- he blinks, a bit lost for a few seconds, before quirking a sheepish grin.]

I know I can. ["Somehow."] Don't worry about me, Heather, I'll be alright. ["I hope."]


[video] foolishwren November 16 2010, 00:19:13 UTC
[ooc: oh man, I would if I could. But I know that more than one character is just too much for me-- that, and I can't hold a candle to Terry in writing. XD I'd feel like such an imposter trying to write one of his guys.

FFFF GRANNY WEATHERWAX I love her so much she would basically be the best thing to happen to Route ever if someone apped her.]

[It's okay, Phoenix. You mean well and you're just trying to do the right thing.]

[It just happens to be that what you think is the right thing is wrong.]

[And Heather's not the type to fake agreement when she actually cares about the thing she's arguing for. So it's with a bit of a snippy tone that she replies--]

Somehow, I doubt that.

[--and shuts off the feed.]

[.... g-gosh that didn't go very well, did it. 8(;]


[video] cheapblusuits November 16 2010, 00:28:32 UTC
[ooc; You think YOU can't hold a candle to him? One of the reasons why I will be so hesitant apping a Discworld character -- I can't hold a candle to YOU, okay. F-ffff. /hides

OH MY GOD SHE WOULD DLHG;FJ someone app her someone please]

[...he has to stare at his newly blank Pokégear for a few seconds before it kicks in, really. Was Heather...really that upset?

He was only trying to do what was he thought was right.

So why was everyone else making it so hard?]

[...no, no it did not. 8{ ;; HEY OKAY AT LEAST SHE CARES. Take it with a spoonfull, Phoenix.]


[video] foolishwren November 16 2010, 00:35:47 UTC
[ooc: OH HUSH. I am NOT that good. XD There are a lot of people in this comm who hold torches to me. But seriously. Should you ever decide to app a Discworld person, I will stalk them religiously.]

[Poor Phoenix. It ... really had not been the nicest way to make her opinion known. But then, Heather had never been a fan of sugar-coating things. But the truth was (even if it probably didn't SEEM that way) that if she didn't care, she probably never would have been that nasty just then.]


[video] cheapblusuits November 16 2010, 00:39:57 UTC
[ooc; Of course you are! You're lovely. ♥ And I will keep that in mind when I contemplate my fourth character! Because I've already decided who my third character will be. :3 It'll take me a while to app them, though, since I need to finish the game they're from...]

[Phoenix is pretty good at getting the underlying meaning of things, so chances are, he knows that Heather's only wigging out because she's worried.

...that didn't make it hurt much less, though.]


[video] foolishwren November 16 2010, 00:44:40 UTC
[ooc: WELL FFF THANK YOU. You already know how much I love your Phoenix, SO. ;-; <3
And ooooh, who's the character? 8U]

[Heather probably knows how hurtful she must have come off too (although in her irritability, she was probably telling herself that he didn't know her well enough to care much about what she thought anyway and therefore wouldn't be too bothered, totally), but she's too pissy (and yes-- worried) to care right now. It was easy to just act downright mean when you were mad, even if you really did know better...]


[video; also I love this icon] cheapblusuits November 16 2010, 02:14:21 UTC
[ooc; And every time you say it I'm just all glhfgjhgj *A* Thank yoou! It's been a challenge to keep him in character because of the whole Dahlia thing -- d-do you think I'm still doing alright? D: ;;

Well...let's just say it's someone you know veeeeery well. ;D b ]

[Little does Heather know that Phoenix considers her to be one of his better friends in Route. Coming in just behind Jack, actually. But as long as she's being honest...he can gripe and be stubborn all he wants, but he's actually more touched than anything else over how she doesn't sugarcoat her anger. It shows she trusts him, kind of...right?]


[video; HE LOOKS SO FRUSTRATED FFFFF] foolishwren November 16 2010, 04:28:18 UTC
[ooc: I haven't gotten to the Dahlia parts of the game yet (w-watching AA was put on hold due to NaNo ;-;) but personally I think you're doing just FINE. From a non-canon-knower's standpoint, it is really interesting to watch play out. <3333



[Heather has trust friggin' issues and she's still working out just HOW she feels about the fact that this (very nice, obviously-well-meaning, of course) guy knows some very secret stuff. Had she spilled her guts to him because she actually trusted him (a LAWYER, no less. FFFFFFUUUU--!!), or just because she'd kicked his ass by accident and felt bad for it? She had a few bosum buddies like Rise, Otacon, Kaito and the rest who had more or less earned her trust over the months, but Lawyer-man here had just sort of CRASH-LANDED into her guilty conscience and now WHO THE HELL KNEW she sure didn't and UGH WHAT IS THIS. <-- Heather's feelings on the matter.]

[... But trust or no trust (and she honestly isn't sure which it is), she does care. Phoenix has got a lot of people depending on him (the little Edgeworth guy was with him, wasn't he? And then there was this Maya he'd told her about...) ... and hearing that there's a potential abusive freak, no doubt murderer among them like a fox in the chickens was just... alarming. ... She hadn't been lying when she'd said she didn't want Phoenix to wind up dead at the bottom of a ditch somewhere...]


[video; I really like this one, too ♥ why am I too cheap to buy a paid account sob] cheapblusuits November 16 2010, 04:42:17 UTC
[ooc; Well, Phoenix's personality is TOTALLY DIFFERENT when he's in college (seriously, just...just. FFFFF.), so it's hard trying to balance out just how much he'll regress and how much he'll keep to his current self...LUCKILY HE DIDN'T REGRESS COMPLETELY OR ELSE I THINK EVERYONE'S BRAINS WOULD BREAK but. It's been interesting! Route's been giving me such an awesome new angle to play Phoenix from (my Phoenix is usually...a LOT cheerier/gayer than this, tbh. Because he has to balance out Miles's constant >8C-ing. AHAHA.), and I'm going to exploit it for all it's worth, dammit!


[Phoenix is used to forging friendships through fire. Edgeworth, Larry, Maya, all of his clients...he'd never been able to really know them before having to, inevidably, place all of his trust in them, in their innocence. While the situation with Heather was certainly more, er..."extreme", really, if only due to the drastic citcumstances and substantial amount of physical pain, but he's been treating her as he does all of his fledgling friendships -- innocent until proven guilty, trustworthy until you betray him.

That, and the fact that he genuinely likes Heather. Her spunky attitude is not unlike that of his perky assistant (although Heather is certainly more...blunt), and he's rather in awe of her honesty and bluntness. He wishes he was less of an idiot so that Heather would stop yelling at him, though...8C ]


[video; i-it's okay. I am too cheap too, I keep getting wolfy I MEAN RANDOM PEOPLE to buy for me] foolishwren November 16 2010, 05:40:14 UTC
[ooc: A-awwww yeah you or someone showed me college Phoenix and I THINK EVERYONE'S BRAINS WOULD BREAK, YES. And Heather would be absolutely horrified because clearly she had beaten up someone who had MENTAL DISABILITIES and then she would feel awful. But yes ANYWAY I think you're doing fine so far! And if you're not, someone in the know can always go give you some advice on your HMD. <33





it's too bad we can't have Gen III pokemon because she would totally have a Spinda]

[I-it's okay, Phoenix! Your idiocy is part of your charm!]

[For Heather's part... the girl just has trust issues. She's still learning to open up at all, and while she's been making a serious effort to re-learn the whole 'confiding in people' thing (HOW DOES I SHOT FRIENDSHIP??? At least she knows she has a problem), it's just... tough. Poor Phoenix's occupation doesn't make it much easier.]

[But she does like him, and for all her doubts, she knows he means well and that alone gives him a lot of points, because he's miles more genuine than 90% of the people she's met at home. Hell, that 'OMG I MUST HELP' attitude reminds her just a little of what Douglas might have been like when he was young, before the world had turned him all jaded and tired.]


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