017 [video/forward dated to around 7am]

Oct 18, 2010 05:49

[Private video to Apollo, Maya, Larry, Ema]

[This takes place after the conclusion of this fiasco.]

[The feed opens to...a rather exhausted looking Phoenix, and, hey, wait -- that's not the Cherrygrove Pokemon Center! No, it looks like...Route 30?! Indeed, and it looks like he's by that little lake at the beginning of the Route. He gives the camera a rather weak smile, clutching at his side and holding himself with the awkward air of someone whose rib has not completely healed from, say, falling off that ledge last week.]

H-hey, guys. Er, to make a long story short... [He shifts the camera so that you can see one Miles Edgeworth dozing near the waterfront, surrounded by a little pile of Pokemon -- namely, Pess, Butch, Lady and the boy's newly caught Poliwag, all whom appear to be enjoying a nice rest.] Pess lost her ribbon last night, Edgeworth went to look for her -- and he fell off a ledge. [Siiiigh.] I would have just carried him back, but... [In truth, he doesn't think he could carry anyone with his side burning as it is, but he decides to keep that litle fact for himself.] I think he might have a concussion, so I didn't want to move him.

I'm really sorry about this, guys. I hope he didn't make you worry too much.

...do you think you can meet us here? Edgeworth left his bag at the Center, and I think I left Charley's Pokeball...and could you maybe bring some bandages? And some ice?

...and maybe some painkillers?

!ic, dammit edgeworth, + ema skye (detectattack), no love for lawyers, phoenix the mother hen, + maya fey (totesaladder), + apollo justice (justicepuns), + larry butz (itsthebutz), route 30/31, !video, should've stayed at home, the ledges strike again

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