003 [video]

Oct 16, 2010 23:55

[It's nighttime-- it's always nighttime when ten-year-old Miles Edgeworth uses his Pokégear. Darn his inability to sleep, especially now that he has two lawyers hassling him to do the one thing he can't.... well. He could. He could sleep, if he tried, but he'd also wake up because of those nightly nightmares about elevators and earthquakes and gunshots and terrible, terrible screaming. No, he'd rather not frighten his traveling companions - especially not his... supposed-to-be-best-friends-and-classmates Phoenix Wright and Larry Butz.

So instead of sleeping like a good ten-year-old boy in his room at the Cherrygrove Pokémon Center, which he shares with his friends, he is now sitting in the Center lobby and reading his Trainer Handbook, seemingly unaware that his Pokégear is recording him.. just sitting there reading - and waiting for Pess, for that matter. She'd gone off on her own about an hour ago to play-

- and there she comes, bounding into the Center looking. Panicked. The blue ribbon Miles tied around her neck is gone, and that is apparently the cause of her panicking as she runs in circles around Miles' chair, barking madly.

Miles... gives her a look.]

Pess. Pess calm down, it's just a ribbo-- hey. No, Pess it's too late! We can go look for it tomorrow morning.. [Oh, Pess won't have any of that 'we'll do it later' stories. She grasps Miles' sleeve between her teeth and begins tugging insistently, growling and giving off a stubborn aura of "I am not going to sleep until we find that ribbon" until, with an exasperated sigh, Miles puts his Handbook on the table beside him and reaches for his Gear.

Fine, fine. We'll go look for it, so let go of my jack-- [Upon grabbing the gear, Miles' finger presses a button, and the feed cuts off-]


[-and when the video comes back to life a few minutes later, it is apparently because Miles had dropped the Gear, turning the communicator back on with the impact. The scenery recorded by the camera shows... grass.

It's not Cherrygrove anymore, that is for sure, but it isn't... Route 29, either. Looks like Pess has dragged Miles all the way out to Route 30, and the boy doesn't know any better. He picks up his Gear, still unaware that it is recording, and he carries it around at his side, the camera only recording the grassy route and the shadow of a Growlithe scurrying around in the bushes, desperately looking for her ribbon.]

Are you sure it's around here, Pess? It's really dark...

[The camera shakes a little as Miles adjusts his hold on the Gear and looks around as well, but then, the screen SUDDENLY SHAKES LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE HAS HIT. And it won't stop shaking.]

H-hey that's mine, you-- ugh, I don't know what the heck kind of Pokémon you are-- are you a tadpole? P-Pess. Pess, tackle it!

[And with an enthusiastic bark, Pess appears out of nowhere and Tackles the Poliwag that was scampering off with Miles' Gear. The Gear, the strap of which had been caught on the Poliwag's tail, flies into the bushes and stares up at the night sky for a while as, with a praise and another order to Tackle, Miles catches the troublemaking tadpole. The boy reappears in the screen as he comes to retrieve his gear, and his expression flashes from its initial exasperation to confusion.]

It was recording? Since whe-- [Miles look up and away from the Gear suddenly, and his confused expression changes into that of a ten-year-old version of Prosecutor Edgeworth's 'Eureka!' face.] Pess. Pess, I found your ribbo--

[And then the screen turns into a blur. Pess' ribbon must have been right by a ledge, hidden from Miles' view by grass, and... he must have stepped a tad bit too far because the boy is obviously falling. And for a kid that's less than five feet tall, the Johto ledges are like falling from a rooftop.

There is the sound of a rather painful crash as Miles hits the ground, and the feed cuts off again. This Gear is going to break one day soon, with how many times Miles Edgeworth has dropped it in the first week of his journey.]

(( OOC: Aaand Miles has left Cherrygrove, quite unintentionally. Of course PESS is now going to go into this utter panic because OH MY GOD her trainer just fell of a ledge and Pess.... is scared of heights she is NOT going to go jump down that thing, no sir!

So action for those on the Route, and also action for those in Cherrygrove who might come across a panicked Pess trying to find someone who'll help her save her trainer. At least the kid has another Pokémon so he won't be completely vulnerable.))  

!ic, c: phoenix wright

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