038 [video/action for Cherrygrove, backdated to yesterday morning and afternoon!]

Apr 02, 2011 19:29


[It takes a few minutes for Phoenix to fully wake up, as usual. Ever the deep sleeper, especially here in Johto when he didn't have to worry about being perpetually late or busy or what have you. He hasn't even bothered to set his Pokégear alarm during his whole stay in Cherrygrove; however many times he vowed to never set foot in this city again, ever, no way, he had to admit that the break has been nice.

...it's then that he notices that there's something rather heavy weighing on his abdomen. Thinking it's one of his Pokémon, Phoenix reaches a hand out to see who it is, maybe give them a pat on the head or a scratch on the ear--

--why is he feeling something damp?

With a bolt, he sits up.]


What the...

[It looks like someone's left a little gift for Phoenix. A colorful assortment of berries and nice rocks lie nestled in his lap, along with flowers in many shades of blue, their leaves bent and crooked and petals torn off in some places.

They are also incredibly muddy. Phoenix stares down at them, his pseudo-germaphobe-bordering-on-OCD tendencies flaring up at the muck on his bedsheets, but before he allows himself to freak out appropriately and run for the dry cleaners, he peers over the edge of his bed, hearing the light sound of breathing coming from the other side.]

[His current party lay sprawled out on the floor, conked out in a little pile next to his bed. Their paws and talons and muzzles were caked with still pliable mud, their coats damp from rain and emitting a rather pungent wet-dog smell. Phoenix wrinkles his nose a bit, staring wide-eyed at the mess his Pokémon had made, completely bewildered.

He opens his mouth, ready to scold his wily companions for running amok while he was asleep, when--hey, what's this?]

[It looks like Pidge has something in her beak. A piece of paper, maybe...? Curious, now, Phoenix pauses and reaches down to gently pry it from her, careful not to wake the slumbering bird.

It turns out to be a piece of torn bedsheet -- he sighs and wonders how much replacing it will cost him, and for a moment he feels like crying -- and it's been folded many times over and clumsily decorated with flower petals and leaves stuck to it with...mud and sap, it looked like. He holds it at arm's length.

When he was done scrutinizing the messy border, his attention turns towards the center, which shows:]

[...pawprints? Really, it was almost like a...card.

And, suddenly, Phoenix understood.]


[Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad birthday after all.]


[Okay, no.

This was the worst birthday ever. Just his luck that there would have to be a THUNDERSTORM on his goddamn birthday. Thanks, Johto weather gods, he loves you, too.]


[His voice is even, but very strained. It's obvious he's making a great effort not to sound terrified out of his wits.] Has anyone seen Pearls--I mean, Pearl, recently? Pearl Fey. She's...she's just a kid, I don't want her running around by herself, e-especially not in this weather. I think she might have gone home, er. I tried calling and-- e-eep! --got the automated message, but...I really want to be sure.

She's short, with brown hair tied up in two loops, and she has Japanese-style clothes. If anyone sees her, please, tell her that Mr. Nick is looking for her, and that's he's very worried.

--a-ack! [A very loud BOOM of thunder in the background renders Phoenix silent for a few moments, before the ends the transmission with a shaky:] Er, t-thank you.


[Later that day, Phoenix has decided to take it upon himself to do another thorough search of the town, even braving his phobia and trucking through the wind and rain and lightning with his layer upon layer of jackets and sweaters wrapped tight around him. He occasionally has to stop, find a quiet spot, and curl up into a ball every once in a while, but nevertheless, he keeps trekking on. Feel free to run into him around town, if you're around! He'll have Lady and T.D. with him, treading hot on his heels.]
 [ooc; It was Phoenix's headcanon birthday yesterday! /o/ He's 26, now, and didn't tell anyone that it was coming up because he is stupid like that, really. If your character somehow finds out, feel free to berate him for not telling.]

phoenix the butt monkey, darn you johto darn you well, phoenix the woobie, shit you don't care about, !ic, birthday shenanigans!!, mauled by something cute and fuzzy, cherrygrove, phoenix the mother hen, !voice, what a?!, what a jolly good nap, stressed out more than usual

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