VII - Skeletons in the Closet

Aug 10, 2010 23:14

A Don/Ryan drabble acting as an interlude to 'I've seen it coming', 'The Pain of Pawns', 'Driven into a corner I'll fight', 'Quiet Lullaby', 'Drowned in Sorrow' and  'Things Unspoken'. This is part of the series I decided to call 'Sunless Days' and it takes places somewhere on the time-line of that series.

And once again dedicated to lausi_gm  who's been so nice to donate a drabble of my choice, which in turn caused naughty thoughts to run free in my mind. :-D

Title:   Skeletons in the Closet
Pairing:  Ryan/Don
Rating:   Rated NC-17 - just to be on the safe side
Disclaimer:   I do not own CSI Miami or CSI New York.
Warning:   Kinda AU as the prequels, naughty content
Summary:  Drabble
'Everyone had skeletons in the closet. But sometimes, sometimes those weren't the only things in there.'

A/N:   This is not beta-ed so if you find any errors, please let me know.

Skeletons in the closet

Everyone had skeletons in the closet.

But sometimes, sometimes those weren't the only things in there.

Attacking each other’s lips hungrily, Ryan and Don stumbled through the currently empty hallway of the police department.

Actually, Ryan had been there to check some information with Don but when they'd walked through the corridor towards the break-room to have a mug of coffee together, they'd been overwhelmed.

It had been such a good opportunity to steal a kiss both had given in to the temptation.

And this was how they'd ended up making out frantically.

Stumbling backwards over to the wall, hands fumbled for the door-knob Don knew had to be there, somewhere. He didn't hesitate to wrench the door open when he finally found the knob and Ryan pushed them both into the small, cramped room.

It was as if their minds were one.

When one of them thought that a more private place would be nice, the other was already trying to find one.

When one of them opened the door, the other navigated them in.

When one of them opened his mouth, the other already pushed his tongue in and... oh yes.

Ryan's hands freed Don's shirt from his dress-pants and immediately started to explore the skin that was freed while he pressed his lover against the wall.

He licked a wet path down to suck at Don's throat and listened to his lover’s moans, huskily whispering his name.

Nimble fingers tweaking hardened nipples Ryan relished in the feel of Don kneading his ass.

Oh yes.

Hell, this was so much better than coffee.

Ryan's hand wandered lower to massage his lover's crotch, feeling the bulge growing larger as he turned his attention towards a part of Don he’d love to explore some more.

It seemed Don couldn't stop moaning. His lover stretched and arched into Ryan’s hands, so to silence the traitorous sounds, Ryan fastened his lips on Don's again. He'd nipped at the soft skin of Don's throat on his way up and he now used his thumb to gently soothe the spot.

Ryan pressed harder against Don's body and his lover shifted slightly, granting him more access. “God”, Don moaned. “I wanna take you.” Shivering at the thought Ryan couldn’t help but try to decimate the remaining inches between them.

Suddenly there was a thump as one of the brooms next to them toppled over in their frantic want to get closer to each other and they parted with a start. Nothing happened. It was just a broom.

Just a broom.

They looked at each other and Ryan broke into a laugh. “A broom closet? You chose a broom closet to make out? How cliché.”

Don grinned back, “well, yes -  you were the one getting me all hot and bothered and the only room I could think of, was this one.”

Ryan's smile was as bright as the sun and the only thing out-shining it were his green eyes, sparkling with amusement.

Ryan gazed affectionately at his lover, smiling fondly at the thought of what they’d done right now. Hell, this was going to be a good memory. Everytime he would walk down this hallway, he would think of it. Oh yes. It was the perfect memory to pass time.

Still smiling, Ryan shook himself inwardly, trying to get his wits back together.

It was broad daylight and there was work to do.

With that thought in mind he stole one last kiss before he reached for the door knob. “Come, let's get out of here.”

Before Ryan could open the door, Don caught his hand. “What are you doin'?”

Ryan blinked at him in confusion. “Umm.. leaving this crammed space?”

It was Don's turn to blink and he cleared his throat. “Well, we can't. I can't. Unlike your jeans those dress pants hide nothin'.”

For a second there was silence and then Ryan burst out laughing, barely remembering that they were actually hiding and laughing out loud would give away their location... or what they'd been doing.

“I'm glad that you find this amusing”, Don commented. “But laughing won't help solving my problem, you know.”

His lover was right. Laughing wouldn’t solve a thing. In the worst case it would lead to them being caught and that would help even less.

Ryan smothered the laughter in his throat as he got a grip on himself, his smile suddenly turning predatory. “Well, I could use my mouth for other things then.”

fic: skeletons in the closet, fanfiction, series: sunless days, ryan/don, don flack, drabble, ryan wolfe

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